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Powerloom sector may get electricity at competitive prices

Related Keywords: discuss with state governments, electricity at competitive prices, Piyush Goyal, power tariff, provide level-playing field, technology upgradation, Textile Industry, Union Power Minister, units in powerloom sector, weaving units

The Union Power Minister Piyush Goyal to take up discussion with state governments on providing a level-playing field to the units in powerloom sector. If the states agree, the decision may be soon be implemented. As a result weaving units in the powerloom sector may get electricity at competitive prices, said a senior official who was present in the meeting.

Textile mills to set up warehouse in Colombo for cotton

Related Keywords: cotton buyers, cotton imports in India, cotton prices in india, cotton sellers, cotton shippers, Southern India Mills’ Association, Sri Lanka Ports, textile facilities in Colombo, Textile Industry, Textile mills in southern India, textile warehouses in Colombo

Textile mills in southern India are considering at promoting Colombo as a hub where international sellers and shippers can stock cotton and supply to the mills in south India and also to buyers in other Asian countries. Mills in southern states are expected to import more cotton this year, that is, October 2016 to September 2017.

Bangladesh cotton yarn import increase by 25pc from Jan to July this year

Related Keywords: Bangladesh import increase by more than 25 percent, during the first seven months this year, local spinners termed a threat for subsector, Major portion of yarn imported from India, Price main reason behind increasing trend, raw material is higher in local market, Textile Industry, yarn also being imported from Indonesia

Bangladesh imported 207,644 tonnes of cotton yarn from January to July this year an increase by more than 25 percent during the first seven months in 2016. Major portion of the yarn has been imported from the neighbouring India. In recent times yarn is also being imported from Indonesia, industry insiders said, which local spinners termed a threat for the sub-sector of the country's primary textile industry.

Industry insiders apprehended that if the trend continues, it would badly affect the backward linkage industry that meets nearly 80 percent requirement of the local knit sector.

India’s cotton output likely to fall to 540kg in 2016

Related Keywords: Cotton Association of India, cotton bales, cotton cultivation expected to shrink, cotton prices have jumped, due to delayed rains, fall in yield, five-year low, India cotton yields, measures to reduce import, pink boll-worm attacks in Gujarat, raw cotton production is expected to fall, Textile Industry, white fly problems in northern India

India's cotton yields have fallen from 566kg per hectare in 2014 to 504kg in 2016 which is already among the world’s lowest. Fall in yield is due to delayed rains and white fly problems in northern India and pink boll-worm attacks in Gujarat. As a result, raw cotton production is expected to fall to a five-year low of 33.8 million bales in the year to Sept.30 from 38 million bales a year earlier, and cotton prices have jumped from $1.50 to $2 a kilogram. A bale of cotton weighs 170kg.

Uzbek’s special working group to hold bilateral trade dialogue with Pak

Related Keywords: A ten member Special Working Group, cotton export, Deputy Chairman, established by Government of Uzbekistan, establishment of direct contacts with partners in Pakistan, explore new perspectives of export and import between two countries, headed by Nodir Atajanov, initiate talk to develop bilateral trade relations with Pakistan, Textile Industry

A 10-member Special Working Group established by the Government of Uzbekistan and headed by Nodir Atajanov, the Deputy Chairman to initiate talk to develop bilateral trade relations with Pakistan has arrived Islamabad. The Group will meet with officials of Pakistan and organize presentation in Chambers of Commerce and Industries of Islamabad and Lahore, according to Uzbekistan Embassy in Islamabad.

C’garh Govt plans to develop ‘Green’ Textile Park in Raipur district

Related Keywords: Chhattisgarh government, Common effluent treatment, CSIDC has identified a land parcel measuring thirty hectares, plan to develop green Textile Park, project will comprise of solid waste management practices, rain water harvesting, Raipur district, storm water management, Textile Industry, treated water supply system, world class eco system

The Chhattisgarh Government planning to develop ‘green’ Textile Park with world class eco system for the textile industry. For which the Chhattisgarh State Industrial Development Corporation (CSIDC) has identified a land parcel measuring 30 hectares at Village Khapri, Tehsil Tilda in Raipur district for the development of Green Textile Park.

The project will comprise of elaborate solid waste management practices, treated water supply system, storm water management, rain water harvesting and common effluent treatment plant.

Cotton price to stabilize soon with arrival of produce at the markets

Related Keywords: drought and floods, due to seasonal change, during the off season, expected to stabilize in cotton price, first week of September, fluctuating price of cotton, more produce arrive at the markets, procuring cotton from producers, set up a State-level body, storing it to tide over situations, Textile Industry, Textile Minister O.S. Manian

The textile industry affected by the fluctuating price of cotton due to seasonal change, drought and floods is expected to see stabilization in cotton price in the first week of September when more produce arrive at the markets, said Textile Minister O.S. Manian replying to a special calling attention motion in the Assembly on Friday.

The Minister said that the State government was taking action to bear the financial burden and the situation was expected to improve with the next produce scheduled to arrive at the markets in the first week of next month.

Disparity in excise duty rates of cotton and MMF likely to be erased

Related Keywords: attract excise duty, cotton fibres attract none, distorted domestic consumption pattern, duty disparity, Goods and services tax regime, GST, hurting export competitiveness, level playing field vis a vis cotton textiles, manmade fibres, policy maker, prevent domestic producers from scaling up operations, Textile Industry

At present, man-made fibres attract a 12% excise duty while cotton fibres attract none. This duty disparity has distorted the domestic consumption pattern in favour of the cotton fibre, divergent to the global trend. The man-made textile segment long neglected by policy makers, finally expects a “level-playing field” vis-a-vis cotton textiles as the country braces for a goods and services tax (GST) regime.

Huntsman Textile Effects bags award for "Excellent Performance in Exports of Dyestuff by Large Scale unit"

Related Keywords: dyes and surfactants, Dyestuff Manufacturers, Dyestuff Manufacturers’ Association of India Awards, Exports of Dyestuffs, Huntsman Textile Effects, Huntsman Textile Effects’ Baroda manufacturing facility, manufacturing polyurethane systems, manufacturing textile chemicals, textile dyeing, textile dyestuffs, Textile Effects Division, Textile Industry, Textile industry in India, textile innovation, textile manufacturing facilities

The Textile Effects division of Huntsman Corporation (NYSE: HUN) has been selected as the overall winner in the 2016 Dyestuff Manufacturers’ Association of India Awards (DMAI) 2016 for recognition of “Excellent Performance in Exports of Dyestuffs by a Large Scale unit ”. Huntsman Textile Effects also won the category for “Excellent Performance in Safety & Hazards Control by a Large Scale unit”. The awards recognize the outstanding contribution of Huntsman Textile Effects in supporting environment, health and safety and sustainability for the textile industry.

BWMB launches new British wool Premium label

Related Keywords: British wool marketing board, BWMB, carpets, launched the new British Wool Premium Label, owned by sheep farmers of UK, Partnership with manufacturers, promote higher content of British grown wool, rugs and other products, sits between wool producer, Textile Industry

The British Wool Marketing Board (BWMB) owned by the sheep farmers of the UK and sits between the wool producer and the textile industry has launched the new British Wool Premium Label Partnership with manufacturers that want to promote a higher content of British grown wool in their carpets, rugs and other products.

This allows quality manufacturers a chance to influence how much wool of genuine British origin is used in the blend of their ranges.

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