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Government reworking its strategy on FTAs

Related Keywords: areas such as textiles, corner greater share, Easier rules of origin, ensure Indian exports, export market, free trade agreements, Government of India, push bilateral deals, Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership, reworking strategy, TPP, Transatlantic trade and investment partnership

The government of India as it revives its push for bilateral deals to corner a greater share of the export market is reworking its strategy on free trade agreements (FTAs). Rules of origin are at the heart of these agreements as they are meant to check routing of third-party goods via countries with which an agreement is signed.

Over the years, India has insisted on a system where at least 30-35% value addition takes place in a country with which it signs a trade agreement. In addition, there has to be a change of heading, which means yarn should be finished into a product.

Bilateral trade between Vietnam and Italy to open a new opportunities

Related Keywords: Association of Italian Textile Machinery Manufacturers, bilateral trade, export market, Garments, import market, interested in Vietnam, Italian companies, Italy and Vietnam, ministry of industry and trade, Textiles

Italy is Vietnam's eighteenth largest export market and fifteenth largest import market. Vietnam’s export to Italy has surged by 18.2 percent reaching US$2.5 billion, while its imports from Italy has touched US$1.19 billion in the past 11 months (January to November), according to the Ministry of Industry and Trade.

According to Raffaella Carabelli, president of the Association of Italian Textile Machinery Manufacturers, Italian companies remain interested in Vietnam, a growing market with untapped co-operative opportunities and high consumption demand.

China cotton stocks may end the season smaller than expected

Related Keywords: china cotton inventories, Chinese cotton consumption, Chinese farm subsidies, domestic market, export market, impact of subsidy reforms, keepin down production, market-friendly cotton price, smaller than expected, stockpiles, US Department of Agriculture, USDA estimate

The US Department of Agriculture bureau in Beijing pegged at 58.0m bales (12.64m tonnes) China's inventories at the close of 2014-15 – more than 4m bales below the department's official forecast.

China's cotton inventories in August were equivalent to about 60% of the world total, may end the season smaller than had been thought due to the impact of subsidy reforms which may keep down the country's production long-term.

Textile Ministry mulling over streamlining TUFS under new textile policy

Related Keywords: export market, Indian Textiles Industry, MMS, modernization of processing, new textile policy, restructuring, Shuttle-less loom, spinning, Technology Upgradation Fund Scheme, Textile Ministry, TUFS, weaving

Technology Upgradation Fund Scheme (TUFS) which was introduced in 1999 to catalyze investments in all the sub sectors of textiles industry by way of interest reimbursement. The scheme mainly focuses on modernization of processing, spinning, and weaving, garmenting and technical textiles segments, where there is good scope for massive employment generation and value-addition.

The textile ministry is now mulling over a proposal to restructure the textile upgrade fund (TUF) for making it broad based to include many more areas and make better benefits under the new textile policy proposed.

Iran fronts the export market for its hand-woven carpets

Related Keywords: export market, hand-woven carpets, Iran, Persian rugs

Iran is the leading exporter of hand-woven carpets. Persian rugs are highly in demand for their intricate design and skilled craftsmanship. Iran has exported 80 percent of its hand-woven carpets to the international markets, Director of Coordination Department of Carpet Management Organization Lotfi Afshar said.

He pointed out that Hand-woven carpet is an absolute advantage (for Iran) and this is the only good in the world led by Iran. Carpet-weaving is undoubtedly one of the most distinguished manifestations of the Persian culture and art, and dates back to ancient Persia.

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