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Government reworking its strategy on FTAs

Related Keywords: areas such as textiles, corner greater share, Easier rules of origin, ensure Indian exports, export market, free trade agreements, Government of India, push bilateral deals, Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership, reworking strategy, TPP, Transatlantic trade and investment partnership

The government of India as it revives its push for bilateral deals to corner a greater share of the export market is reworking its strategy on free trade agreements (FTAs). Rules of origin are at the heart of these agreements as they are meant to check routing of third-party goods via countries with which an agreement is signed.

Over the years, India has insisted on a system where at least 30-35% value addition takes place in a country with which it signs a trade agreement. In addition, there has to be a change of heading, which means yarn should be finished into a product.

China considering to obtain TPP membership

Related Keywords: China, China considering TPP membership, China to pay to join TPP, community of 12 member countries, import tariff, need nod of the US, TPP, Transatlantic trade and investment partnership, Vietnam

China has ‘put out feelers’ to join the Asia-Pacific trade deal, as per the US media which is a breaking news but not a surprise at all for Vietnamese experts. China will not only need the nod of the US to join TPP but the community of 12 member countries, and China will have to negotiate with each of the 12 countries to obtain TPP membership. The countries will have the right to set conditions for China, and China will have to pay to join TPP.

TTIP to remove unnecessary trade duress on textiles and clothing

Related Keywords: costly obligations, environmental standards, EU textile and clothing industry, Euratex, European Commission, Free trade agreement, high consumer safety, The European Textile and Clothing Confederation, Transatlantic trade and investment partnership

The European Textile and Clothing Confederation (Euratex) from the time of negotiations over the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) has been closely working with its US counterparts and the European Commission to make sure that companies will benefit from this free trade agreement.

The TTIP offers an opportunity to keep high consumer safety, user information, and environmental standards for the textiles and clothing industry, while removing unnecessary burdens to trade.

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