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Trading activity remain moderate at cotton market

Related Keywords: availability of quality cotton, cotton market on Tuesday, cotton season, domestic market, KCA, lower level, ready counter, Renewed buying interest, resulted in some trading activity, spot rate, supply of quality lint, trading activity moderate

Trading activity remain moderate due to renewed buying interest at the lower level at the cotton market on Tuesday. However, the availability of quality cotton resulted in some trading activity.

Trading on ready counter was fairly moderate as needy spinners went for quality cotton. The following deals were reported to have changed hands on ready counter: 7,000 bales, Alipur, at Rs7,000; 400 bales, Jalalpur, at Rs7,100; 2,487 bales, Rahimyar Khan, at Rs7,300; and 800 bales also, Rahimyar Khan, at Rs7,000.

Insipid conditions continue at cotton market

Related Keywords: cotton bales, cotton market on Thursday, depressed local market, domestic market, falling world cotton prices, ginners keen to enter into deals, grey cloth, insipid conditions continue, KCA, KCE, kept spinners away from trading ring, little buying interest, Sluggish off-take of cotton yarn, spot rate

The sluggish off-take of cotton yarn and grey cloth in the domestic market has kept spinners away from the trading ring. With little buying interest, insipid conditions continue at the cotton market on Thursday. Though ginners were keen to enter into deals but falling world cotton prices have further depressed the local market.

Domestic market drives sales of Italian textile machinery

Related Keywords: ACIMIT, Association of Italian Textile Machinery Manufacturers, domestic market, growth rate affected both foreign markets, index value stood up, Italian textile machinery, launching purchases of advanced machinery, significant increase in sales orders, support investments

Italian textile machinery sees significant increase in sales orders by 29 percent in the final quarter of 2017 from the domestic market. According to the latest figures released by the Association of Italian Textile Machinery Manufacturers (ACIMIT), the index value stood at 120.9 points (basis: 100 in 2010) for the period from October to December 2017 compared to the same period for the previous year.

Amazon India to sell TN’s LoomWorld handloom products

Related Keywords: as demand picks up, chain of outlets, domestic market, handloom products, initially sell cotton saris, LoomWorld, offer silk saris and furnishings too, sell its handloom products, Tamil Nadu Government, tie up with Amazon India

LoomWorld, Tamil Nadu Government’s chain of outlets to sell handloom products tie up with Amazon India to sell its handloom products. On Amazon, LoomWorld will initially sell cotton saris in the domestic market. As demand picks up it will offer silk saris and furnishings too.

Trade agreement worth Rs. 250 cr signed at Coir Kerala Fest

Related Keywords: buyer-seller meet, coir geo-textile, coir-machine-making factory, domestic market, fillip to coir industry, government of Maharashtra, Kerala State Coir Corporation, organized as part of Coir Kerala Fest, received contract, sale of coir products, Small-Scale Industries Development Corporation, trade agreements, tune of Rs. 250 crore signed

At the buyer-seller meet organized as part of the ongoing Coir Kerala Fest, for the first time, the Kerala State Coir Corporation has received a contract for the sale of coir products from the domestic market.

Trade agreements have been inked that will give a domestic-market fillip to the coir industry in Kerala. Trade agreements to the tune of Rs. 250 crore have been signed at the buyer-seller meet, aimed at both the foreign and domestic markets.

Spinners to reduce yarn production by 35 percent

Related Keywords: advised spinning member mills, an advisory to the members, avoid buying cotton at the prices, bring balance in cotton and yarn prices, domestic market, due to slowdown in exports, Indian Texpreneurs Federation, ITF, minimise the impact of financial loss, next two months, reduce loss, reduce yarn production by thirty five percent

Indian Texpreneurs Federation (ITF), an advisory to the members to reduce loss and to bring balance in cotton and yarn prices advised spinning member mills to reduce yarn production by 35 percent for next two months also try to avoid buying cotton at the prices to minimise the impact of financial loss, due to the slowdown in exports and also n domestic market.

Demand remains high for better grades of cotton

Related Keywords: cotton bales, decline in prices, domestic market, increase in arrivals, KCA, KCE, kept general prices in green zone, Lint market, premium price, remains selective on grade issue, shrinking better grades of lint, slightly high price, some buyers made deals, some deals made for second grade stuff, spot rate, trading activity

Trading activity at lint market remains selective on grade issue while some buyers made deals on slightly high price on shrinking better grades of lint that also kept general prices in green zone. Also some deals were made for second grade stuff on premium price.

Some of the leading buyers in Sindh and Punjab stations during trading session made forward deals on slightly higher price at around Rs6,725 per maund for consolidating inventories, floor brokers said.

Italian textile machinery records significant growth in sales

Related Keywords: ACIMIT, domestic market, driven by strong performance, during April to June this year, good level participation by ACIMIT members, Irantex exhibition, order index for textile machinery, recorded significant growth, textile machinery sector, the Association of Italian Textile Machinery Manufacturers, the primary trade fair for the Iranian textile

ACIMIT, the Association of Italian Textile Machinery Manufacturers driven by a strong performance from the domestic market has recorded a significant growth in the order index for textile machinery during the period from April to June 2017.

Specifically, there was a significant increase in orders for the domestic market, where the index stood at an absolute value of 92.9 points (+66% over April-June 2016). In foreign markets, the increase amounted to 22%, and the absolute value of the index stood at 123.4 points.

Trading remains grade selective at cotton market

Related Keywords: amid firm spot rate at Karachi Cotton Association, better grades of lint, buyers consolidated their future positions, cotton bales, domestic market, fresh fine lots, making forward deals, on sellers asking price, pushing physical prices in green zone, remained grade selective, Sindh and Punjab stations, Trading at cotton market

Trading at cotton market remained grade selective while buyers consolidated their future positions with fresh fine lots making forward deals for better grades of lint on sellers' asking price pushing physical prices in green zone amid firm spot rate of Rs6,100 per maund at Karachi Cotton Association (KCA), traders said.

Floor brokers said that buyers bought all grades at around Rs 6,275 per maund to Rs 6,500 per maund and deals for fine and second grade lint for blending purpose remained sound that changed hands at around Rs 6,750 per maund on average during trading session.

Moderate trading witnessed at lint market with physical prices firm

Related Keywords: better grades of lint, buyers made deals on slightly higher prices, domestic market, firm physical prices, Forward deals changed hands, Karachi Cotton Association, KCE, mills and spinners remained eager for quality lint, Moderate trading seen at the lint market, slightly higher price, trading activity remain slow

Moderate trading seen at the lint market with firm physical prices, while buyers made deals on slightly higher prices. Forward deals also changed hands for better grades of lint on slightly higher price at around Rs6,600 per maund in Sindh and Punjab stations. The Karachi Cotton Association (KCA) kept the spot rate at Rs 6,700 per maund.

According to floor brokers, buyers made deals for all grades besides deals for better and second grade of lint for blending purpose remained firm and deals changed hands at around Rs 6,575 per maund to Rs 7,000 per maund during the trading session.

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