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Optimum utilization of FDI ensured for Indian textile sector

Related Keywords: FDI in textile, Indian textile sector, ISDS, market development, powerloom, SITP, techinical textile, textile export, Textile Ministry, TUFS

Resurgence has been witnessed in the Indian textile sector with the introduction of Foreign Direct Investment (FDI). Maximum utilization of FDI has been ensured by the textile minster and his ministry. The government is providing grants under market access initiative and market development assistance scheme for this purpose.

TN govt to distribute free machineries to improve proficiency of weavers

Related Keywords: expo-cum-sale, handloom, machinery, powerloom, quality, silk weavers, special ‘aadi’, Tamil Nadu state, Weavers, weavers cooperative societies

The Tamil Nadu state has nearly 2.69 lakh weavers, the government keen on welfare of weavers has planned to provide machineries to improve the proficiency of weavers and raise the quality of their products.
State minister for handloom and textiles S Gokula Indira on Tuesday after inaugurating the special ‘aadi’ in Madurai said that this year the government is keen on distributing 25,000 pirn winding machines and 2,500 pneumatic lifting machines to weavers. The machines would go a long way in improving the working conditions of the weavers.

Kutch textile mega cluster to focus on handlooms, Surat on powerloom

Related Keywords: domestic manufacturing, generate employment, handloom and handicraft, Kutch, Ministry of textile, powerloom, Surat, Textile mega cluster

Finance minister Arun Jaitley in the Budget had announced setting up of eight textile mega clusters that including one each in Surat and Kutch with an initial investment of Rs 200 crore. The upcoming mega textile cluster in Kutch to focus completely on handloom and handicrafts while Surat textile mega cluster will focus on powerlooms, said textile commission Kiran Soni Gupta during her one-day visit to the city.

Cottonfab exhibition held to sense the classy, ethnic fabric of India

Related Keywords: Cotton fab exhibition, fabric of India, handloom worker, powerloom

The Awadh Hathkargha, Hastshilp Evum Gramodyog Samiti has organized Cottonfab exhibition, showcases myriad collection of classy and authentic materials for all age groups.

It’s summer collection includes handloom silk and cotton saris, dress materials, kurtas, kurtis, stoles, dupattas and also a wide range of designer wear in traditional Indian handloom at affordable prices.

Textile tycoon Cresent help small millers turn to exporters in Pakistan

Related Keywords: grey fabric, powerloom

In Faisalabad, there are over 250,000 home based power looms and most of them are producing grey fabrics for local consumption with very limited capital and are not aware of the international market requirements. These small millers with the support of the textile tycoon are now turning to exporters.

Pakistan is one of the major exporters of grey fabric after Chinese exporters opted out due to closure of weaving factories in China due to expensive labour and expensive raw material, the buyers were moving to the regional countries for the import of grey cloth.

Lack of credit line creates obstacle for powerloom owners to modernize

Related Keywords: Credit line, Pakistan textile, powerloom

In Faisalabad, approximately 250,000 power looms and 80,000 auto shuttle looms are working. Most of these powerloom needs upgradation to product quality products with the grant of the Generalised Scheme of Preferences (GSP) Plus status by the European Union to Pakistan.

The major obstacle in the way of owners of outdated power looms is the lack of credit line – a necessity for upgrading their machinery to meet the growing demand for grey fabric in European markets.

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