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Pakistan Textile City gets approval for an additional Rs 1bn credit line from NBP

Related Keywords: coal power project, Credit line, development and operational expenses, electricity, financil needs, K-Electric, NBP, Pakistan textile city, sovereign guarantee, utility and infrastructure development, value added textile industries

Pakistan Textile City can avail another Rs 1.16 billion financing from National Bank of Pakistan (NBP) to meet its financial needs, as NBP has increased the credit line against sovereign guarantee. With this approval, overall credit line for Textile City reached Rs 3.16 billion compared to Rs 2 billion previously.

In 2008, a credit line of Rs 2 billion was provided to Textile City but the entire amount has already been consumed during the last couple of years on account of development and operational expenses.

Lack of credit line creates obstacle for powerloom owners to modernize

Related Keywords: Credit line, Pakistan textile, powerloom

In Faisalabad, approximately 250,000 power looms and 80,000 auto shuttle looms are working. Most of these powerloom needs upgradation to product quality products with the grant of the Generalised Scheme of Preferences (GSP) Plus status by the European Union to Pakistan.

The major obstacle in the way of owners of outdated power looms is the lack of credit line – a necessity for upgrading their machinery to meet the growing demand for grey fabric in European markets.

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