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Fine lint remain in focus amid shrinking stocks of better grades

Related Keywords: buyers purchasing lint of all qualities, fine lint in focus, general price remain firm, KCA, meet domestic and international commitments of yarn and cloth, Pakistan cotton market, sellers and buyers remained entangled in price war, shrinking stocks of better grades, spot rate, steday spot rate, US cotton prices higher, volumes moderate

At cotton market, general price remained firm during trading activity and volumes were moderate as buyers were purchasing lint of all qualities to meet domestic as well as international commitments of yarn and cloth. However, fine lint remained in focus amid steady spot rate and shrinking stocks of better grades, traders said.

According to floor brokers, sellers and buyers remained entangled in price war and buyers made deals for all grades on competitive price at around Rs 4,975 per maund to Rs 5,025 per maund.

Price remain under stress condition due to selective buying in lint market

Related Keywords: bought all grades, buyers in Sindh and Punjab station, capitalize maximum retunrs on proceeds, cotton grower, cotton growing belt, grade-conscious buyers, KCA, made deals on slightly higher price, prices remain under stress condition, selective buying, spot rate, Trading session in lint market

During the trading session in lint market, prices remained under stress condition due to selective buying. However, buyers in Sindh and Punjab stations bought all grades on cautious note as grade issue was continued. Traders offered all grades of lint on bargaining rates at around Rs 4,975 per maund to Rs 5,375 per maund in order to capitalize maximum returns on their proceeds, floor brokers said.

While, traders at the Karachi Cotton Association (KCA) said that grade-conscious buyers made deals on slightly higher price on Thursday.

Fine grade lint remains in demand during trading session at cotton market

Related Keywords: buyers made deals for all grades, ginners of Punjab, ginners of Sindh offered low grade lint, KCA, offered cotton of all grades, Pakistan cotton market, slightly higher price, spot rate, textile sector, trading session

During the trading session on cotton market, buyers made deals for all grades on slightly higher price at around Rs 5,000 per maund to Rs5,650 per maund and around 300 bales changed hands, said floor brokers.

The ginners of Punjab offered cotton of all grades to the buyers around Rs 5,000 per maund to Rs 5,150 per maund while ginners of Sindh offered low-grade lint to the buyers around Rs 4,975 per maund.

Focus on fine grade kept lint trading dull at cotton market

Related Keywords: buyer remained cautious, Buying remains selective, capitalise maximum returns, cotton production and demand by textile sector, go neck and neck, Karachi Cotton Association, Pakistan cotton markey, spinners in Sindh and Punjab stations purchased lint on cautious note, spot rate, textile sector, with dull volumes on grade issue of lint

At cotton market buyers remained cautious in making any big deal as they only made deals according to their immediate need of lint on back of grade issue and in anticipation of decline in spot rate.

Traders at the Karachi Cotton Association (KCA) on Friday said that buying remains selective with dull volumes on grade issue of lint that kept the leading buyers on sidelines while market's sentiments were firm with forward trading.

Cotton market witnessed gain in prices due to short supply

Related Keywords: cotton bales, cotton belt, gain in cotton price, ginning process, maintained rising trend, mills and spinners, Pakistan Cotton Ginners Association, Pakistan cotton market, ready business, seed cotton price, short supply of quality lint, spot rate

Pakistan cotton market due to short supply of quality lint witnessed overnight gain in cotton price on Saturday. In the ready business, around 13,000 bales of cotton changed hands between Rs 5100 and Rs 5500. The official spot rate maintained rising trend for the second day, gaining further Rs 50 more at Rs 5,300, dealers said.

While, in Sindh, seed cotton prices were at Rs 2000-2200, and Punjab prices at Rs 2500 and Rs 2900.

Slow trading activity witnessed on cotton market

Related Keywords: APTMA, better quality from the current crop, few buying interest from spinners domestic cotton market, KCA, Pakistan cotton market, spot rate, unsold quantity of cotton, witnessed slow trading activity

The Pakistan cotton market on Thursday witnessed slow trading activity with few buying interest on the part of the spinners. The domestic cotton market is passing through a lackluster phase, moreover from the remaining 550,000 bales (155 kgs) of unsold quantity of cotton barely about 150,000 bales may be of better quality from the current crop (August 2015/July 2016), mills are hardly making any purchases.

Trading activity picked up rapidly at cotton market

Related Keywords: KCA, meet near future demand, overnight recovery trend sustained, Pakistan cotton market, short supply of quality cotton restricted trade volume, spinners rushing to book quality lint, spot rate, strond demand from spinners, trading activity picking up rapidly

Trading activity at the cotton market on Tuesday picked up rapidly with spinners rushing to book quality lint to meet their near-future demand. The overnight recovery trend sustained itself on strong demand from spinners. However, short supply of quality cotton restricted trade volume.

According to market sources, a sudden turnaround in world cotton markets influenced the domestic market which had been otherwise moving slow. The cotton yarn market also reportedly witnessed higher trading activity.

Price remained in red zone due to dull trading at lint market

Related Keywords: capitalize maximum returns, dull as buyer showed eagerness for quality lots, grade issue, Karachi Cotton Association, keeping physical price in red zone, of influx of better grade, readjust spot rate, Spinners, spot rate, Trading activity at lint market

Trading activity remained dull as buyer in lint market showed eagerness for quality lots keeping physical price in red zone on Wednesday said, traders at the Karachi Cotton Association (KCA).

During the trading session, spinners in Sindh and Punjab stations bought all grades on cautious note as grade issue was continued. Traders offered all grades of lint on bargaining rates at around Rs 4,975 per maund to Rs 5,350 per maund in order to capitalize maximum returns on their proceeds, said floor brokers.

Range-bound trading was witnessed at lint market

Related Keywords: buyers made forward deals, consolidated their long positions, cotton bales, focus remained on fine lint, ginning units, Karachi Cotton Association, Mills, monthe period, Pakistan lint market, quality lint, range bound trading activity, slightly higher prices, spot rate, textile group, trading session, unchanged

At the lint market focus remained on fine lint keep trading activity range-bound, and the Karachi Cotton Association (KCA) spot rate remained unchanged at Rs5,3000 per maund. During the trading session, buyers made forward deals for quality lint for a month period on slightly higher prices at around Rs 5,650 per maund, said floor brokers. Around 300 bales changed hands.

Lint price remained firm as buyer focused on fine grade

Related Keywords: buyers remained eager for quality lots, capitalize maximum returns on their proceeds, Cotton growers, influx of better grade, KCA, Lint market, made deals for all grades, Mills in Sindh and Punjab stations, Pakistan cotton market, physical price firm, spot rate, trading session

During the trading session, buyers remained eager for quality lots keeping physical price firm in lint market, while prices remained attracted for buyers with less liquidity, traders at the Karachi Cotton Association (KCA) said on Wednesday.

Mills in Sindh and Punjab stations made deals for all grades on cautious note as grade issue was continued. Traders offered all grades of lint on bargaining rates at around Rs 4,975 per maund to Rs 5,450 per maund in order to capitalize maximum returns on their proceeds.

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