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Leading buyers remained grade conscious at cotton market

Related Keywords: KCA, leading buyers, Lint market, made deals on slightly higher price, Pakistan cotton market, physical prices firm, remained grade conscious, selective buying, Spinners, spot rate

Leading buyers at cotton market remained grade conscious and only made deals on slightly higher price according to their immediate need of lint. Selective buying in lint market kept physical prices firm, said traders at the Karachi Cotton Association (KCA) on Monday.

During the trading session, mills in Sindh and Punjab stations purchased all grades on cautious note as grade issue was continue. Traders offered all grades of lint on bargaining rates at around Rs 4,675 per maund to Rs 4,975 per maund in order to capitalise maximum returns on their proceeds, floor brokers said.

Buyers at lint market made forward deals due to poor grade and low volume

Related Keywords: back of grade issue and low volumes, buyers made forward deals, fine bales, ginning unit, KCA, leading ginners, Lint market, production of textile made-ups, spot rate, stockpile of better grades, trading session

During the trading sessions in the past week, buyers at the lint market made forward deals on the back of grade issue and low volumes at around Rs 4,600 per maund to Rs 4,625 per maund, traders said on Saturday.

The buyers remained eager for fine grades at main stations of Punjab and Sindh, while majority of the ginneries produced all grades on the back of moderate influx of cottonseed.

Prices remained within reach of the buyers amid some cautious activity. The Karachi Cotton Association’s (KCA’s) spot rate remained firm to stay at Rs 4,500 per maund.

Trading remained dull due to lack of fine grade past week at cotton market

Related Keywords: buyer made deal on cautious note, demand for fine grades remained higher, fortify inventories, Karachi Cotton Association, lack of fine and second grade, Pakistan cotton market, past week, power outages at ginneries, slow arrival of cottonseed, spot rate, textile units kept activities dully, trading remained dull

During past week, trading remained dull due to lack of fine and second grade and power outages at ginneries, textile units kept activities dull and buyers made deals for all grades on cautious note besides demand for fine grades remained higher in order to fortify their inventories, floor brokers said.

The forward deals were made on back of grade issue at around Rs 4,925 per maund to Rs 4,950 per maund, traders said on Saturday.

Fairly small trade activity seen on cotton market

Related Keywords: Fairly small trade activity, KCA, leading buyers, little interest in fresh buying, new arrival of crop, Pakistan cotton market, spot rate, under pressure over GIDC issue

Fairly small trade activity was witnessed at Pakistan cotton market on Monday as some leading buyers kept on the sidelines due to little interest in fresh buying, according to dealers.

At Karachi cotton exchange, the official spot rate remained static at Rs 5450.

According to Cotton analyst, Naseem Usman, mills are still under pressure over the issue of GIDC and on the other hand the ginners were selling their stuff before arrivals of new crop.

Raised cotton prices makes Pakistan cotton market mind numbing

Related Keywords: cotton production, falling cotton stock, ginners raise rates, lint cotton, Pakistan cotton market, seed cotton rate, Spinners, spot rate

Falling stock of cotton made the Pakistan cotton market mind-numbing as the ginners raised rates as a consequence of the dearth. According to sources, the official spot rate was unchanged at Rs 5450, dealers said. In the ready session, only 2000 bales changed hands between Rs 4350-5700Seed cotton rates in Sindh were unchanged at Rs 2000-2600 and in Punjab prices registered at Rs 2400-3100.

Dull trading activity was seen at cotton market due to limited stock

Related Keywords: delay in new crop arrival, floor brokers, held by ginners, KCA, limited stock, Pakistan cotton market, slow down in trading activity, spot rate, steady at previous level, textile industry worried, world cotton market

Pakistan cotton market witnessed slow down in its trading activity on Saturday after staying active for entire week. According to floor brokers, they expected hiatus in activity due to limited stocks held by ginners. The Karachi Cotton Association (KCA) spot rates were steady at previous level.

However, there was demand from some needy mills, but ginners demanded higher rates for their limited cotton stocks. Barring a few deals, which were mostly finalized on high rates, activity on the market remained devoid of enthusiasm.

Focus on fine grade lint was seen during trading week

Related Keywords: Cotton growers, cotton seed, fine grade demand, KCA, Pakistan cotton market, physical prices on firm footing, second grade cotton, spot rate, Trading week

During trading week, fine grade demand combined with buyers’ eagerness for fine and second grade cotton for blending purposes kept physical prices on firm footings. During trading activities sellers demanded slightly higher prices for better grades under slower than expected influx of cottonseed in the ginneries during past week, traders said.

Cotton prices continue to remain on higher side over dwindling cotton stocks

Related Keywords: cotton prices, delay in arrival of next crop, dwindling cotton stocks, KCA, Pakistan cotton market, quality lint running short, remain on higher side, Slow trading on cotton market, spinning sector, spot rate

Slow trading was witnessed on Friday on cotton market as cotton prices continued to remain on the higher side with dwindling cotton stocks and spinners kept looking for quality lint which is running in short supply.

The Karachi Cotton Association (KCA) left its spot rates unchanged.

The textile industry, particularly the spinning sector expressed concern over the long delay in the arrival of next crop and falling cotton stock.

Dwindling cotton stock pushing prices further higher in the Pakistan cotton market

Related Keywords: cotton prices moving higher, deprive the industry of raw material, fast dwindling stock, KCA, Pakistan cotton market, spinner unable to get quality lint, spot rate, touch new high level, world cotton market

Cotton prices moving further higher to touch a new high level on Thursday due to fast dwindling cotton stocks in the Pakistan cotton market. Many needy spinners continued to look for quality lint, but mostly disappointed.

The textile industry is not only expressing concern over the rapidly falling cotton stocks but also for many export-oriented spinning units who have to meet their foreign commitments are unable to get quality lint.

The fear of long delay in the arrival of next crop, which will not reach ginneries before the end of July, is being feared by textile industry.

Strong demand from spinners led to surge in cotton prices

Related Keywords: Cotton market, Cotton price surged, creating panic buying, dwindling stock with ginners, KCA, needy spinners, spot rate, strong demand from spinners

Strong demand from spinners provoked by dwindling stock with ginners for the current season crop are creating panic buying from needy spinners who are eager to replenish their stock due to which cotton prices has surged.

Floor brokers said that strong demand for quality lint pushed prices to new record high on ready counter with highest quoted prices going up to Rs5450 per maund.

However, the Karachi Cotton Association (KCA) spot rates remained unchanged at previous level.

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