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Indian texile and apparel industry reinventing itself

Related Keywords: apparel, Bangladesh, environmental impact, fashion, fast fashion, government, Higg Index, India, innovation, market, Textile

India feels the adverse social and environmental impact of ‘fast fashion’; however, this may change soon.

India is a global manufacturing hub for textiles and apparel, coping with growing international and domestic demand. The global textiles market is projected to reach $1.3 trillion by 2025. Similarly, the domestic market for apparel is estimated to reach $59.3 billion by 2022 and that for textiles to grow to $223 billion by 2021. The industry is also critical in terms of income and employment generation, contributing to 5 percent of India’s current GDP.

Sappi joins Sustainable Apparel Coalition - strengthening its commitment to improving supply chain sustainability

Related Keywords: and manufacturers, and textile, and textile industry, and textile product sustainability performance, apparel, brands, cellulosic fibre producers, drives supply chain transparency, footwear, global brands, groundbreaking Higg Index suite of tools in 2011, Higg Index, improving supply chain sustainability, natural fibre, nonprofits/ NGOs, paper, product sustainability, promoting transparent supply chains, renewable natural resource—woodfibre, retailers, Sappi Limited, service providers, suppliers, supply chain, Sustainable Apparel Coalition, sustainable dissolving wood pulp, sustainable products, sustainably managed forests, textiles industry, Trade associations, viscose fibre, wood pulp and paper-based solutions

Sappi Limited is pleased to announce that it has joined the Sustainable Apparel Coalition (SAC) and will use the group's sustainability measurement suite of tools, the Higg Index, to drive environmental and social responsibility throughout its supply chain. With its membership in the SAC, Sappi joins more than 240 global brands, retailers, and manufacturers, as well as government, non-profit environmental organizations, and academic institutions, which are collectively committed to improving supply chain sustainability in the apparel, footwear, and textile industry.

Breathable new line of footwear

Related Keywords: functional materials for footwear, Higg Index, highly-convincing fashion, recycled clothing fibers, recycled textiles, reusing valuable and scarce raw materials, sustainability strategy, sustainable alternatives, Sustainable Apparel Coalition

Dr. Rudiger Fox, CEO at Sympatex Technologies explains that, “It is our conviction that our firm commitment to sustainability is serving as an impetus for innovation, becomes again evident in this new footwear line of materials in a highly-convincing fashion,” Also, Fox adds “While many market partners view sustainability as a stranglehold on creativity, maintaining a clear focus with our innovation processes helps us to concentrate our energy, and thus produce new solutions for our customers at a much faster pace.

Sustainable fashion to be the future

Related Keywords: a standardized supply chain measurements, apparel market, consumer lifestyle products industry, ethical business manufacturing, fast fashion, Higg Index, recycled materials, sustainable fashion

What does the future hold? Likely more eco-friendly awareness as younger generations increase their buying power. The CGS survey showed that Gen Z ranks ethical business/manufacturing as one of the top factors that affect purchasing decisions. Sustainability is on the cusp of being recognized across the apparel market, from luxury goods to fast fashion. Paul Magel is president of the Business Applications and Technology Outsourcing division at CGS. He leads the company’s flagship BlueCherry® Enterprise Suite of solutions for the fashion, apparel and consumer lifestyle products industry.

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