Related Keywords: and manufacturers, and textile, and textile industry, and textile product sustainability performance, apparel, brands, cellulosic fibre producers, drives supply chain transparency, footwear, global brands, groundbreaking Higg Index suite of tools in 2011, Higg Index, improving supply chain sustainability, natural fibre, nonprofits/ NGOs, paper, product sustainability, promoting transparent supply chains, renewable natural resource—woodfibre, retailers, Sappi Limited, service providers, suppliers, supply chain, Sustainable Apparel Coalition, sustainable dissolving wood pulp, sustainable products, sustainably managed forests, textiles industry, Trade associations, viscose fibre, wood pulp and paper-based solutions
Sappi Limited is pleased to announce that it has joined the Sustainable Apparel Coalition (SAC) and will use the group's sustainability measurement suite of tools, the Higg Index, to drive environmental and social responsibility throughout its supply chain. With its membership in the SAC, Sappi joins more than 240 global brands, retailers, and manufacturers, as well as government, non-profit environmental organizations, and academic institutions, which are collectively committed to improving supply chain sustainability in the apparel, footwear, and textile industry.