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Cotton prices remained firm despite demand from spinners

Related Keywords: cotton production, delay in arrival of next crop, demand for quality lint, from spinners, ginners reluctant to sell stock, KCA, Pakistan cotton market, prices remained firm, spot price reduced, trading slow

Despite demand for quality lint from spinners, trading was slow as ginners were reluctant to sell their stocks at this juncture which kept prices firm on the cotton market on Thursday. Expected delay in the arrival of next crop is another reason which is keeping prices higher, brokers said.

Floor brokers said that the final phutti (seed cotton) arrival figures expected to be released next month could place total cotton production for the current season at around 14.9 million bales.

Continual demand for quality lint and depleting stock pushing cotton prices up

Related Keywords: cotton prices on rise, delay in arrival of next crop, due to late sowing, KCA. spot rate, over dwindling cotton socks, Pakistan textile industry, presently in distress, quality lint

The Pakistan textile industry as a whole is presently in distress over dwindling cotton stocks and expected delay in the arrival of next crop due to late sowing of new crop (2015-16), according to brokers.

Continual demand for quality lint and running down with cotton stocks in the country pushed the cotton prices up on Thursday.

Ginners on the other hand are in no hurry to dispose of their stocks in anticipation of getting even higher prices. They entertained only those bids which had been called at higher rates.

Cotton prices continue to remain on higher side over dwindling cotton stocks

Related Keywords: cotton prices, delay in arrival of next crop, dwindling cotton stocks, KCA, Pakistan cotton market, quality lint running short, remain on higher side, Slow trading on cotton market, spinning sector, spot rate

Slow trading was witnessed on Friday on cotton market as cotton prices continued to remain on the higher side with dwindling cotton stocks and spinners kept looking for quality lint which is running in short supply.

The Karachi Cotton Association (KCA) left its spot rates unchanged.

The textile industry, particularly the spinning sector expressed concern over the long delay in the arrival of next crop and falling cotton stock.

Spinners continued to build up stock despite rising cotton prices

Related Keywords: delay in arrival of next crop, higher consumption of cotton, KCA, ongoing spell of rain and cold weather, Pakistan cotton market, pressure on lint prices, rising cotton prices, spinners continued building stocks, Textile Industry, world cotton market, World cotton price

Despite rising cotton prices on Tuesday, spinners continued to build up their stocks fearing delay in arrival of next crop. The next cotton crop is likely to be late by three to four days, as a result of the ongoing spell of rain in Punjab and cold weather in Sindh.

The higher consumption of cotton by the textile industry is also putting pressure on lint prices which have moved to a seasonal high of Rs5,250 per maund. However, shortage of quality lint is another major factor which has pushed prices up.

The Karachi Cotton Association (KCA) left its spot rates unchanged.

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