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Mother nature changed the cotton schedule in Texas

Related Keywords: costal, cotton, cotton plants, crop, harvest, mother nature, Plant, production, Textile, Warehouse industry

It’s hard to make predictions about ‘Mother Nature’ and often, that’s the consequence for farmers.

During planting season, right up until harvest season, many cotton farmers have high hopes for a good crop.

With the recent strong winds and rain, many cotton farmers are now 2 months behind schedule.

The high winds we received in the Coastal Bend beginning April 10th caused significant damage to cotton in the seedling stage, and now some area cotton farmers are replanting for a second time.

Cotton prices seen dropping at its lowest in nearly five year

Related Keywords: Alabama, cotton farmer, cotton in reserves, Cotton market, cotton price dropping, cotton production, mother nature, supply and demand trend

Cotton farmers although favoured by Mother Nature, but it is not the same for the cotton market with cotton price dropping more than 20 percent just in the past few months. The price was around 85 cents per pound before Memorial Day. It's now as low as 64 cents.
Cotton is growing well across the country, which means supply is up, but a major buyer, China, has a lot of cotton in reserves, so demand is down. The reason of drop in cotton price is due to both supply and demand trend.

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