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New developments in Hong Kong to address daily textile waste

Related Keywords: cotton and wool, fabrics and garments, fibres, garment-to-garment recycling shop, Hong Kong Research Institute for Textiles and Apparel, Old clothing and textiles, plant’s recycling system, Spinning mill, textile recycling, textiles industry, yarn

Edwin Keh Yee-man, chief executive of the publicly funded Hong Kong Research Institute for Textiles and Apparel (HKRITA), which developed the plant’s recycling system, said the move would put the city’s textiles industry back on the map and boost the “made in Hong Kong” mark. He said that, "We could have opened (this mill) in China, 10 times its current size," Also,"But we decided to do it in Hong Kong to prove two things – that we can solve our local textile waste problem locally, and that in such a small, compact city, sustainable (textile recycling) is feasible."

Ruyi installs smart technology by Lectra at its cutting rooms

Related Keywords: automated cutting technology, branding and retailing industry chain, cotton and wool, factory in Yinchuan, integrated technology solution leader, largest comprehensive textiles and garment industry chains, Lectra, men suits production line, Ruyi cutting rooms, Ruyi group, upgrade and optimize, Vector machine, ‘Made in China initiative

Ruyi Group that owns the two largest comprehensive textiles and garment industry chains of the world, one from cotton and other from wool to branding and retailing industry chain, respectively. It’ s intelligent cutting line and the company’s alignment with the country’s ‘Made in China 2025’ initiative gets support from Lectra, the world leader in integrated technology solutions dedicated to industries using fabrics, leather, technical textiles and composite materials, which brings in state-of-the-art digital and automated cutting technology to upgrade and optimize Ruyi’s cutting rooms.

Kazakhstan working towards uplifting its garment industry

Related Keywords: advantage, cheap energy, clothing industry, cotton and wool, Day of Light Industry, economic growth, jobs, Kyrgyz textile and garment industry, Legprom, Light Industry trade fair, low labor cost, raw material

The Kyrgyz textile and garment industry was originally developed in the 1930’ as a result of the availability of raw material mainly cotton and wool, in South Kyrgyzstan. Kyrgyzstan’s garment industry has traditionally been of major importance to the country, with nearly 7% of the nation’s working-age population employed in the sector. It continues to do well by providing economic growth and jobs.

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