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NATIONAL cotton deliveries by farmers have reached 120 000 tonnes, surpassing this year's target by 20 percent

Related Keywords: Cottco, cotton, cotton deliveries, farmers, Free Cotton Inputs Scheme, high cost of inputs, wool packs, yields and crop quality

The Government’s Presidential Free Cotton Inputs Scheme has helped the vulnerable marginalised farmers who have been suffering from the high cost of inputs and low producer prices at the same time getting their yields affected by the negative effects of climate change. The farmers have responded positively by “going back to the fields” and are producing cotton whose volume has been constantly growing. Given that the output was on a free fall, the interventions by the Government came at the right.

Zimbabwe cotton output on the verge of collapse

Related Keywords: cost of production, Cottco, cotton crop 2015 too small, cotton exports, cotton farmers, Cotton Ginners Association, cotton price, cotton production, fall in annual revenue, farmers left stranded, Textile Industry, white gold, Zimbabwe cotton

Zimbabwe cotton also known as the white gold had economically uplifted places such as the hot and semi-arid marginalized areas like Gokwe in the Midlands Province. Besides bringing in the much needed foreign currency, the textile, oil-pressing and stock feed industries also benefitted from cotton production in Zimbabwe. But today, the nation cannot talk of a 2015 cotton crop because there is no cotton crop to talk about.

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