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NATIONAL cotton deliveries by farmers have reached 120 000 tonnes, surpassing this year's target by 20 percent

Related Keywords: Cottco, cotton, cotton deliveries, farmers, Free Cotton Inputs Scheme, high cost of inputs, wool packs, yields and crop quality

The Government’s Presidential Free Cotton Inputs Scheme has helped the vulnerable marginalised farmers who have been suffering from the high cost of inputs and low producer prices at the same time getting their yields affected by the negative effects of climate change. The farmers have responded positively by “going back to the fields” and are producing cotton whose volume has been constantly growing. Given that the output was on a free fall, the interventions by the Government came at the right.

Pakistan lint production likely to be hit this fiscal year

Related Keywords: area harvested is expected to decrease, discouraging farmers from better crop management, hampering cotton production, high cost of inputs, increased pest attack, likely to be hit, Pakistan lint production, Pakistan mostly exports raw cotton to far-east countries, Pakistan Yarn Merchants Association, poor weather, weak prices

Pakistan's lint production likely to be hit by high cost of inputs, weak prices, poor weather, increased pest attacks like pink bollworm and white fly, and discouraging farmers from better crop management despite all efforts.

Pakistan, the world's fourth-ranked cotton producer after China, India and the United States, is facing a drop of around 31 percent. The country's area harvested is expected to decrease to 2.8 million hectares and yield is estimated 28 percent lower at 560 kg/hectare due to pest and disease problems and insufficient inputs.

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