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Russian textiles industry to get a boost

Related Keywords: Boost, geotextiles, innovation, procurement, Russia, Russian textile industry, Textile, Textile Industry

The Russian technical textiles industry may receive an additional impetus for growth this year, thanks to the recently announced government plans to ease the existing restrictions on global producers taking part in public tenders for the purchase of innovative textile products for state needs.

Reopening of declining Mulungushi Textile comes as a precious gift to people of Kabwe

Related Keywords: Boost, cotton industry, deal signed, denim plant, investment, job creation, joint venture, MeTL, Mulungush textile, reopening, working capital

The re-opening of the moribund Zambia-China Mulungushi Textile Joint Venture seven years after it was shut has come as a special gift to the people of Kabwe in this Jubilee year.
The factory has been leased to Mohammed Enterprises Tanzania Limited Group (MeTL) for a period of 12 years. The new investor will in the next three months assess the condition of the machinery at the plant, before resuming operations at the textile plant.

Expo organized to boost famed and traditional south Indian silk

Related Keywords: Andhra Pradesh, Boost, Famed, Sales, Silk Expo, Silk Mark Organisation of India, South Indian Silk, Visakhapatnam

The Silk Mark Organisation of India to boost the sales of the famed and traditional South Indian silk is holding silk expo. The expo is also aimed at benefiting the weavers. The exhibition is expected to showcase the entire range of pure silk fabric from remote weaving clusters of India under one roof, which will have 64 participants from over 17 states across the country.

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