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Range-bound trading was witnessed at lint market

Related Keywords: buyers made forward deals, consolidated their long positions, cotton bales, focus remained on fine lint, ginning units, Karachi Cotton Association, Mills, monthe period, Pakistan lint market, quality lint, range bound trading activity, slightly higher prices, spot rate, textile group, trading session, unchanged

At the lint market focus remained on fine lint keep trading activity range-bound, and the Karachi Cotton Association (KCA) spot rate remained unchanged at Rs5,3000 per maund. During the trading session, buyers made forward deals for quality lint for a month period on slightly higher prices at around Rs 5,650 per maund, said floor brokers. Around 300 bales changed hands.

Lint price remained firm as buyer focused on fine grade

Related Keywords: buyers remained eager for quality lots, capitalize maximum returns on their proceeds, Cotton growers, influx of better grade, KCA, Lint market, made deals for all grades, Mills in Sindh and Punjab stations, Pakistan cotton market, physical price firm, spot rate, trading session

During the trading session, buyers remained eager for quality lots keeping physical price firm in lint market, while prices remained attracted for buyers with less liquidity, traders at the Karachi Cotton Association (KCA) said on Wednesday.

Mills in Sindh and Punjab stations made deals for all grades on cautious note as grade issue was continued. Traders offered all grades of lint on bargaining rates at around Rs 4,975 per maund to Rs 5,450 per maund in order to capitalize maximum returns on their proceeds.

Fine lint continues to be in demand

Related Keywords: capitalise maximum returns, cotton bales, Cotton growers, cotton growing belts, fine lint in demand, ginning units, KCA, Lint market, Mills in Sindh and Punjab stations, month period forward deals, physical prices firm, spot rate, textile sector, trading session

During the trading session, many buyers made deals in fine grade to strengthen their long positions in the lint market that kept physical prices firm. Trader at the Karachi Cotton Association (KCA) also said that some leading buyers made a month period forward deals for all grades on Saturday.

Trading session saw selective buying in lint market keeping prices firm

Related Keywords: Cotton growers, cotton growing belt, Cotton market, grade conscious buyers, KCA, kept physical prices firm, selective buying, Sindh and Punjab spinners, slightly higher price, spot rate, trading session

During the trading session grade-conscious buyers made deals on slightly higher price, while selective buying in lint market kept physical prices firm. Spinners in Sindh and Punjab stations bought all grades on cautious note as grade issue was continue. Traders offered all grades of lint on bargaining rates at around Rs 4,975 per maund to Rs 5,475 per maund in order to capitalize maximum returns on their proceeds on Friday.

Buyer remained keen for fine grade quality lint at cotton market

Related Keywords: buyer and seller, buyers keen for fine grade quality lint, deals on slightly higher prices, KCA, Pakistan cotton market, remained entangled in price war, second grade stuffsecond grade stuff, spot rate unchanged, textile sector, trading session

Buyers at the cotton market remained keen for fine grade quality lint and made deals on slightly higher prices at around Rs5,500 per maund on Monday during the trading session. About 3,000 bales changed hands.

The Karachi Cotton Association (KCA) spot rate unchanged Rs 5,250 per maund.

According to senior trader, Ghulam Rabbani, buyers and sellers remained entangled in price war on second grade stuff. Some buyer to cater their immediate need went ahead to purchase the grade at around Rs 5,225 per maund.

Buyers eye quality lint on growing demand of cloth and yarn

Related Keywords: buyers making deals, Cotton market, domestic market, growing demand of cloth and yarn, KCA, moderate trading activity, Punjab ginners, quality lint, Sindh ginners, slightly higher prices, spot rate, trading session

Cotton market on Wednesday witnessed moderate trading activity with buyers making deals for quality lint on slightly higher prices at around Rs 5,375 per maund during the trading session. Roughly1000 bales changed hands. In domestic market, buyers would remain eye on quality lint on the back of growing demand of cloth and yarn.

Lint market stood positive during trading session amid strong spot rate

Related Keywords: all grade of lint, ask highter price, buyers made deals, cotton bales, domestic market, forward deals for a month period, growing demand of all grades, Karachi cotton assoication, Lint market stood positive, quality on top priority, sellers remained in driving seat, strong spot rate, trading session

Lint market stood positive during trading session as buyers made deals for all grades of lint, they also made forward deals for a month period amid strong spot rate. The Karachi Cotton Association (KCA) kept spot rate of Rs5,400 per maund.

The sellers remained in driving seat as they ask price on their own terms on growing demand of all grades that kept market sentiments on higher side despite shrinking domestic fine stocks, floor brokers said.

Majority of the ginning units produced second grade lint to around 4,000 bales out of total output of around 9,600 bales on higher demand.

Lint prices remained firm to tight during first half of this week

Related Keywords: before start of Eid holidays, cotton bales, cotton belts, cotton output, firm to tight, Lint market, lint prices remained, needy buyers made forward deals, Pakistan cotton market, seed cotton, trading session

Some needy buyers made forward deals for all grades during trading session at lint market before the start of the Eid ul Azha holidays from Thursday 24th September lasting till the end of this week. Thus lint prices reportedly remained firm to tight during the first half of this week. Business will now open on next Monday viz the 28th of September 2015.

Fresh selling in fine grades remained dull on back of holiday-like mood of ginners and sellers while buyers were anticipating decline in prices after Eid-ul-Azha, floor brokers said.

Buyers at lint market made forward deals due to poor grade and low volume

Related Keywords: back of grade issue and low volumes, buyers made forward deals, fine bales, ginning unit, KCA, leading ginners, Lint market, production of textile made-ups, spot rate, stockpile of better grades, trading session

During the trading sessions in the past week, buyers at the lint market made forward deals on the back of grade issue and low volumes at around Rs 4,600 per maund to Rs 4,625 per maund, traders said on Saturday.

The buyers remained eager for fine grades at main stations of Punjab and Sindh, while majority of the ginneries produced all grades on the back of moderate influx of cottonseed.

Prices remained within reach of the buyers amid some cautious activity. The Karachi Cotton Association’s (KCA’s) spot rate remained firm to stay at Rs 4,500 per maund.

General price kept leading buyers active on Pakistan cotton market

Related Keywords: buyer remained alert, competitive price, cotton growing belts, cottong growers, decline in spot rate, general price, grade issue, kept leading buyers active, Pakistan cotton market, Spinners in Sindh and Punjab stations, textile sector, trading session

Buyer remained alert and only made deals according to their immediate need of lint on back of grade issue and in anticipation of decline in spot rate. While general price kept the leading buyers active on Wednesday.

KCA kept the spot rate intact at Rs 5,450 per maund in order to provide support to weak stakeholders of raw grade to ward off minimal price level, according to floor brokers.

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