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A unique wellness programme by the ministry of state for textiles

Related Keywords: Apparel Exporters Promotion Council, apparel industry, Embroidery Intelligence Quotient, textile workers

EMBiQ wellness module is a step in the direction towards out-of-the-box thinking for improving efficiency and productivity in times when the apparel and textile industry has been facing stiff competition. To overcome the health issues faced by the workers in the sector, specifically, while performing their job-role the EMBiQ wellness programme helps them as it is a comprehensive programme covering lifestyle changes, nutrition, yoga and exercises, which can be followed easily.

Turkey to develop textile industry into a national project

Related Keywords: absence of clear policy, cultivate cotton, custom smuggling, Ibrahim Mehleb, national project, revive textile industry, road map for textile, textile workers, Turkish Prime Minister, Turkish textile industry

The Turkish textile industry is facing several issue, including the absence of a clear policy to cultivate cotton and the low liquidity in factories. There are also issues faced from customs smuggling, which is a threat to the local industry. The government is exerting efforts to improve the industry and lower the rate of losses in its treasury. The Turkish government has decided to give complete support to its textile workers to revive the textile industry.

Pakistan govt needs to focus textile industry’s productivity resurgence

Related Keywords: APTMA, cotton farmers, employment, energy, exports, load shedding, Punjab textile industry, textile industry circles, textile workers

The Punjab based textile industry needs immediate attention of the government, as continuity of the industry wheel can be the only way forward of growth, employment and exports of country for which both energy affordability and security must be ensured at all costs.

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