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Pakistan cotton crop likely not to exceed 10.8 mn bales this season

Related Keywords: additional shortall of bales, Brazil US and South Africa, buying cotton India, CCAC, damaged crop, face financial issues, halved workload at factories, low production of phutti, Pakistan cotton crop, Pakistan Cotton Ginners Association, pest attack and attack of different viruses, revised initial target set, Textile mills

The Pakistan government has so far revised down its crop estimate almost by 30 percent this year from an initial target of 15.4 million bales set in February. Local cotton demand is estimated at 15.5 million bales this year. The latest estimate suggests the crop size will not exceed 10.8 million bales (of 170 kilogram) from 11.4 million bales forecasted last month. The Cotton Crop Assessment Committee (CCAC), in a meeting held earlier this week, sees additional shortfall of 600,000 bales this crop season.

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