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Oklahoma becoming a national player in cotton production

Related Keywords: acres harvested for 2017, cotton production, Cotton yields, increasingly becoming a national player, Mississippi is third in forecast acreage, Oklahoma, Oklahoma is narrowing the gap, projected to climb into fourth place, U.S. Department of Agriculture, USDA

Oklahoma is increasingly becoming a national player in cotton production and is projected to climb into fourth place in acres harvested for 2017, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA).

Mississippi is third in forecast acreage and is expected to harvest 95,000 more acres than Oklahoma, down from 140,000 more acres the year before, according to the USDA, but Oklahoma is narrowing the gap, said Harvey Schroeder, executive director of the Oklahoma Cotton Council, which is based in Frederick in southwest Oklahoma.

Oklahoma cotton is back after struggling dry years

Related Keywords: after years of struggling, bring state revenue, Cotton County, cotton fluffy white stuff returns in force, Oklahoma, Oklahoma Cotton Council, this years production up by fiftey one percent, through dry conditions, U.S. Department of Agriculture, USA

Cotton County, Oklahoma , USA after years of struggling through dry conditions, the cotton fluffy white stuff has returned in force with 2016 production up by 51 percent than production during the last year, according to a new report from the U.S. Department of Agriculture.

The total haul came out to well over half a million bales. The number is an estimate based on production through November.

Oklahoma Cotton Council executive director Harvey Schroeder said that the state’s cotton crop has been the beneficiary of auspicious rains and a warm September.

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