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Globally recognised DuPont Nomex and Protera flame and arc resistant fabrics, now locally produced by Gelvenor

Related Keywords: arc resistant fabrics, chemically-treated fabrics, Dupont, fibre, garment manufacturers, Gelvenor Textiles, protective textiles, Textile Industry, woven, yarn

The DuPont and Gelvenor Textiles brands are both synonymous with trust. These two leaders in the protective textile industry have recently joined forces to drive the local manufacture of Nomex® and Protera® flame and arc resistant fabrics. DuPont and Gelvenor have a long history of working together, a relationship that has culminated in DuPont certifying Gelvenor as the South African manufacturer who will produce these fabrics to DuPont’s high standards.

South African investor acquires Gelvenor Textiles

Related Keywords: acquired by South African investor, Gelvenor Textiles, grow production of aeronautical textiles, Jacobs Capital, manufactures industrial, merger with South Coast-based MB Workwear, outdoor lifestyle, owned by German corporate investor Claas Daun, production of specialist fabrics, protective and aeronautical fabrics, technical apparel

Gelvenor Textiles from Courthiel Holdings, owned by German corporate investor Claas Daun which manufactures industrial, technical apparel, outdoor lifestyle, protective and aeronautical fabrics has been acquired by South African private equity firm Jacobs Capital.

The transaction includes a merger with South Coast-based MB Workwear, which will become a division of Gelvenor Consolidated Fabrics.

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