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Cotton industry strives to increase global production of organic cotton to meet the growing demand

Related Keywords: Better Cotton Standard System, eco-benefits, farmers, global production, H&M and C&A, orgainic produce, organic cotton, organic cotton trade revolution, standard cotton, synthetic agricultural chemicals, Textile Exchange

Organic cotton that can be manufactured to the same texture and quality as standard cotton is grown without the use of any synthetic agricultural chemicals such as fertilizers or pesticides, avoids a significant drain on water supply and soil, and increases the overall well-being of farmers and pickers. Although, the eco-benefits are clear the cotton industry is still facing a struggle to increase its global production of organic produce.

Cotton-to-Clothing Export Strategy to be launched by Zimbabwe to revive its cotton and textile industry

Related Keywords: Bulawayo, C2C, Cotton-to-clothing export strategy, economic growth, farmers, garment, indaba, ITC, textile producers, UN, WTO, Zimbabwean cotton and textile industry

Cotton and textile industry play a significant role in Zimbabweans economic growth and development. The International Trade Centre (ITC) a joint agency of the World Trade Organisation (WTO) and United Nations (UN) made an announcement that Zimbabwe will be launching the Cotton-to-Clothing (C2C) Export Strategy at an indaba in Bulawayo next week

The strategy is funded by the European Union (EU) under the EU-Africa partnership on cotton. The indaba will be held on September 26

Cotton yield likely to drop by 50pc due to lack of rainfall in state

Related Keywords: cotton fields, eeds delay in monsoon, farmers, hectares, lack of rains, Maharashtra rains, monsoons in Maharashtra, re-sowing crops, rural Maharashtra sowed

Nearly 15 lakh hectares of cotton plantation in Maharashtra have dried up and gone to waste. Farmers had sowed seeds in June, like every year, but the delay in the onset of monsoon the seeds have not germinated and claim the seeds are now completely useless. The farmers have urged for government’s intervention and help them re-sow crops.
In Maharashtra, cotton farming is carried out on 44 lakh hectares of land, but this year cotton was sown on only 20 lakh hectares. Even in this, most of the planted seeds haven’t germinated because due to no rainfall.

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