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Top global fashion brands signs production contracts with EPZ Firm

Related Keywords: African Cotton & Textile Industries Federation, AGOA, Arrow, Calvin Klein, duty free imports, EPZ, international labels, Izod and Cherokee, Kenyan Export Processing Zones, Kenyan local textile manufacturers, signed production contracts, Textile Industry, Top global fashion brands

Top global fashion brands Calvin Klein, Arrow, Izod and Cherokee are among the international labels that have signed production contracts with Kenyan local textile manufacturers, raising the profile of Kenya's export processing zones (EPZ), according to officials of the Export Processing Zones Authority (EPZA).

Other brands including Hennes & Mauritz (H&M) started local production in 2014 at Ashton Apparel.

Kenyan govt to revive textile industry with plan to boost cotton farmers

Related Keywords: AGOA, American market, EPZ, Kenyan government, Kenyan textile trade, paltry cotton, plan to give cotton farmers boost, providing certified seed, revive textile industry

Following the recent US government extension of the Africa Growth and Opportunity Act (Agoa) for 10 years, under which Kenyan textiles trade in the American market. The Kenyan government has taken the first steps to revive the textile industry with plans to give cotton farmers 750 tonnes of certified seed this year.

In the short term, the government, through the Agriculture, Fisheries and Food Authority (Affa), will provide 50 tonnes of seed for free to cotton growers by end of August, with the condition that farmers commit to provide land for cotton farming expansion.

Work on Bangladesh garment industrial park to start this summer

Related Keywords: Bangladesh garment industrial park, BGMEA, dyeing, emphasis on sustainability, EPZ, fire safety training programme, generate export revenue, Knit, modern Central Effluent Treatment Plant, provide home for factories, set up at the new park, start this summer, sweater and accessories factories, woven

Work on garment industrial park will start this summer on a new 492 acre which will provide a home for 300 factories and generate around US $3 billion annually in export revenues, said the Bangladesh garment manufacturers and export association.

The BGMEA claims the park will place an emphasis on sustainability, including connecting factories located at the park with a modern Central Effluent Treatment Plant (CETP) for the disposal of industrial liquid and sewerage water.

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