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Kenya happy with the Rivatex revival

Related Keywords: ATA, bales, cotton, fiber, government, Kenya, Mills, Rivatex, supply chain, Tanzania, Textile, Uganda

The quest to return Kenya’s cotton farming to profitability has received a vital jolt with the recent reopening of textile factories in the country.

Two weeks ago, President Uhuru Kenyatta presided over the official reopening of the Rivatex textile factory with a strong pitch for more cotton growing in the country. Besides the Eldoret-based cotton processor, Thika Cotton Mills, Bedi Investments and Ken Knit factories have also reopened their doors to cotton-processing.

ATA and GES to bring revival in Nigerian Textile Industry

Related Keywords: agricultural sector, agricultural transformation agenda, ATA, cotton, cotton production, GES, growth enhancement support scheme, major component of GDP, Nigerias major export commodity, revive textile industry, West African Cotton Company

Cotton was one of Nigeria’s major export commodities and formed a major component of the gross domestic product (GDP). The collapse of agriculture as a result of the discovery of oil subsequently led to the collapse of various commodities in the nation’s agricultural sector, including cotton, thereby leading to a near collapse of the economic value of cotton and the sector as a whole.

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