By : [email protected]
Asian paraxylene prices fell US$32.33 a ton CFR Taiwan/China and FOB Korea in the second week of April. Isomer-grade mixed xylene was up US$19 a ton FOB Korea
By : [email protected]
In China, FDY70D/24F SD prices declined US cents 6 a kg while FDY40D also fell US cents 6 a kg on the week. DTY 70D/24F prices were down US cents 6 a kg while 30D/10F
By : [email protected]
Asian caprolactum markers, the SE and FE rolled in the second week of April. In China, spot liquid caprolactum offers were up US$80 a ton on the week. Caprolactam prices
By : [email protected]
In China, offers for ring‐spun 30s weaving yarn in Xiaoshan fell US cents 3 a kg in the second week of April, while compact siro‐spun 40s yarn in Jiangsu declined
By : [email protected]
In China, PC (65/35) 32s yarn prices rolled over in the second week of April in Qianqing, while 45s PC combed yarn prices were flat on the week. Blended yarn prices
By : [email protected]
In China, offers for 32s polyester yarn in Shengze dropped US cents 2 a kg in the first week of April. In Qiangqing, 32s weaving yarn price fell US cent 1 a kg on the
By : [email protected]
Asian PTA prices were up US$9 a ton CFR China and CFR Southeast Asia in the first week of April. Purified terephthalic acid prices inched up recovering from previous two
By : [email protected]
Taiwan origin 3D bright ASF tow offers rolled over in the first week of April. In China, ASF prices were flat with medium-length fiber and cotton-type staple pegged
By : [email protected]
Asian acrylonitrile prices were stable in the first week of April. In China, offers for offshore cargoes were flat while Indian ACN prices rolled over on the week. Acrylonitrile
By : [email protected]
Asian MEG prices partially regained US$8 a ton CFR China and CFR South East in the first week of April. In China, offers for nearby-month cargoes surged up US$10