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German textile industry to go green

Related Keywords: clothing, Gerd Müller, Germany, Green Button, Rana Plaza, supply chain, sustainability, Textile

German Development Minister Gerd Müller (above right) presented the country's new "Green Button" seal for sustainable textiles on Monday. The new scheme is meant to ensure that consumers can purchase clothing that has achieved certain social and environmental standards, including a minimum wage for textile workers and a ban on child labor, as well as the use of certain chemicals and air pollutants.

New Textile Alliance launched in Berlin to move international textile supply chain

Related Keywords: development minister, fashion, Gerd Müller, German market, Germany, new textile alliance, textiles association, textiles supply chain

Gerd Müller, Germany's Minister for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), launched a new Textiles Alliance in Berlin on Thursday. Its goal is to help move the international textile supply chain toward better labor and environmental practices. But many key players are refusing to join.

Müller's ministry wants to see improvements at every link in the supply chain - from the cotton fields through the textile dyeing and clothing production process to distribution and retail.

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