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Rwanda govt to increase taxes up to 100pc to on second hand garment

Related Keywords: develop local textile firms, encouraging investment, grouping small tailors into firms, helping textile firm of Rwanda, increase taxes up to hundread percent, phase out second hand garments, Prime Minister of Rwanda, produce quality garment, provide space for textile firms at SEZ, unveiled textile development strategy, UTEXRWA

The Prime Minister of Rwanda, Anastase Murekezi presenting the government's industrial activities to parliament on Monday unveiled textile development strategy as the government has committed itself to develop local textile firms and phase out second hand garments in the next three years.

To discourage consumption of imported products, the government has decided to increase taxes up to 100% on second hand products - especially garments and leather products - starting the next fiscal year until they get off the market.

Pakistan textile ministry to consult with stakeholders on the textile policy soon

Related Keywords: called meeting of stakeholder, consultation on textile policy, drafted policy, encouraging investment, Pakistan Textile Ministry, product diversification, tax-free import of machinery, Textile parks, trainings and improved factory floor management, value-addition, various issues relating to energy

The Textile Ministry of Pakistan has called stakeholder for another meeting on Monday in order to have consultation with them on the textile policy. Ministry would be presenting the main points of their drafted policy to the members and members would have a chance to present their point of view on any given matter.

According to APTMA officials, the stakeholders are expected to discuss various issues relating to energy, product diversification, encouraging investment, trainings and improved factory floor management.

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