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Cotton market witnessed prices soaring to two month high

Related Keywords: 550 per maund on Thursday, another factor behind buying rush, coming weeks, cotton bales, Cotton market, imminent rupee devaluation, KCA, market talks suggest, millers fearing shortage of quality lint, price soared to two-month high, Rs6, spot rate, witnessed panic buying

Cotton market witnessed panic buying by millers fearing shortage of quality lint in coming weeks as the result pri¬ce soared to two-month high of Rs6,550 per maund on Thursday. However, market talks suggest of imminent rupee devaluation as another factor behind the buying rush.

Phutti (seed-cotton) arrivals remained robust meeting demand for quality cotton from spinners. The intense demand for cotton from spinners could well be judged for the fact that they purchased around 1.1 to 1.2 million bales more over the same period last year.

Rising trend in cotton prices seen over panic buying for quality lint

Related Keywords: cotton bales, cotton prices on Tuesday, Ginners, KCA, panic buying, phutti, quality issues continue to haunt, quality lint from buyers, remaining high, Rising trend seen, seed cotton arrivals, Spinners, spot rate, Textile Industry

Rising trend seen in cotton prices on Tuesday with panic buying for quality lint from buyers. With Phutti (seed-cotton) arrivals remaining high, quality issues continue to haunt the textile industry.

Growers have been raising phutti prices against which ginners were forced to increase cotton prices. On ready deals, prices moved higher to Rs6,500 per maund. Resultantly, official rates were also adjusted upward.

Buying of second grade lint remained on higher side

Related Keywords: Buyers made forward deals, buyers and sellers, buying of second grade lint, cotton bales, Cotton market, looking for better grades, month's delivery period, on higher side, remained busy in price wars, second grade of cotton, stable physical prices, trading session

Trading session at cotton market witnessed buying of second grade lint on the higher side with stable physical prices. Buyers also made forward deals for a month's delivery period in second grade of cotton. On the other hand buyers and sellers looking for better grades remained busy in price wars to make deals.

Most deals for second grade of lint changed hands at around Rs 6,500 per maund, during trading session in Punjab and Sindh stations. Raw grades of lint changed hands at Rs 5,975-Rs 6,000 per maund, depending on trash level during trading session.

Firm trading activity witnessed at cotton market

Related Keywords: Buyers bought better grades of lint, cotton bales, Cotton market, forward deal, higher than market physical prices, improved demand from garments, KCE, Punjab and Sindh stations, raw grade of lint, sellers in the driving seat, spot rate, textile made up exporters, Trading activity remained firm, trading session

Trading activity remained firm at cotton market as buyers bought better grades of lint on higher than market physical prices during trading session in Punjab and Sindh stations, keeping sellers in the driving seat.

Buyers made deals in better and second grade of cotton on shrinking stocks. Spinners bought second grade of lint at around Rs 6,500-Rs 6,525 per maund, in parts of Sindh and Punjab stations.

Cotton prices stable on moderate buying at lint market

Related Keywords: build up inventories, cotton bales, Cotton prices remain stable, Forward deals for better, give price benefit to sellers, improved supplies of all grades, kept trading moderate, Lint market, mills and spinners, physical prices within reach of buyers, reports of paucity of better grades of lint this season, second grade of lint, selective buying

Cotton prices remain stable with selective buying and improved supplies of all grades at lint market. Physical prices were within the reach of buyers, whereas, reports of paucity of better grades of lint this season could give price benefit to sellers. Forward deals for better and second grade of lint kept trading moderate at lint market.

Despite the fact that more cotton had been produced by the country up to Oct 1, 2017 over the corresponding period last year, however the glut did not dent prices due to oversold position of ginners.

Demand for better grades of lint remain high at cotton market

Related Keywords: blending purposes, buyers made deals, cotton bales, Cotton market, deals in second grade of lint, demand for better grades of lint, premium price, remained dominant, remained on higher side, Sindh and Punjab stations, strengthen long positions, trading session

During the trading session at cotton market, demand for better grades of lint remained on higher side and buyers made deals on premium price to strengthen their long positions while deals in second grade of lint remained dominant for blending purposes.

Secondary buyers made deals for all grades of lint while dealings in second grade of lint changed hands at around Rs 6,500 per maund to Rs 6,525 per maund.

Improvement recorded in cotton trading

Related Keywords: Buyers at lint market, cotton bales, forward trading, immediate need of lint, in anticipation of decline in spot rate, Karachi cotton association, Karachi cotton exchange, made deals for better grades of lint, market sentiments remained steady, Most of the buyers made deals, on back of grade issue, paying premium price, spot rate

The buyers at lint market made deals for better grades of lint paying premium price, while market's sentiments remained steady on forward trading, traders said. Most of the buyers made deals according to their immediate need of lint on back of grade issue and in anticipation of decline in spot rate, they added.

Dull trading continued at lint market

Related Keywords: buyers made deals on slightly higher price, continued at lint market, cotton bales, Dull trading activity, Eid holiday and rains in most parts of stations, forward deals for grade selective, Karachi Cotton Association, majority stakeholders remained on sidelines, price in firm zone, second grade of lint, shrinking fine lint, spot rate

Dull trading activity continued at lint market as majority of stakeholders remained on sidelines on back Eid holiday and rains in most parts of the stations. Buyers made deals on slightly higher price besides forward deals for grade selective and second grade of lint also changed hands, fibre traders said.
Market would become active after Eid holidays, and market buying-interest sentiments would push general prices in green zone while weak ginners to get some strength capitalize on their dealings, traders said.

Cotton price inch up

Related Keywords: cotton bales, cotton prices inch up, higher prices to buyer, KCA, KCE, leading ginners sensing future demand of quality lint, made deals on slightly higher prices, offered thin volumes of better stocks, remained quality conscious, spinners and mills, spot rate, sustained buying from leading spinners, Trading session at cotton market

During the trading session at cotton market, sustained buying from leading spinners helped cotton prices inch up on Wednesday. Spinners and mills remained quality conscious and made deals on slightly higher prices during the session while leading ginners sensing future demand of quality lint offered thin volumes of better stocks on higher prices to the buyers.

Much of the trading activity remained centered around Punjab variety which is now available in larger quantity due to higher flow of phutti. However, Sindh quality cotton remained in slow demand.

Demand remains high for better grades of cotton

Related Keywords: cotton bales, decline in prices, domestic market, increase in arrivals, KCA, KCE, kept general prices in green zone, Lint market, premium price, remains selective on grade issue, shrinking better grades of lint, slightly high price, some buyers made deals, some deals made for second grade stuff, spot rate, trading activity

Trading activity at lint market remains selective on grade issue while some buyers made deals on slightly high price on shrinking better grades of lint that also kept general prices in green zone. Also some deals were made for second grade stuff on premium price.

Some of the leading buyers in Sindh and Punjab stations during trading session made forward deals on slightly higher price at around Rs6,725 per maund for consolidating inventories, floor brokers said.

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