Related Keywords: 300 international and domestic manufacturing companies, active wear, apparel and textile sourcing show, Apparel Export Promotion Council (AEPC), Apparel Textile Sourcing Miami, athleisure, Bangladesh Garment Manufacturers Exporters Association (BGMEA), Chico’s, Disney, ecommerce strategy, Export and Investment Promotion Organization of El Salvador (PROESA) and PRO MEXICO, Export Promotion Bureau of Bangladesh (EPB), fashion, Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce & Industry (FICCI), Fountainbleau, Gap Inc., Hard Rock, hardware and textiles that include cotton, homewares and linens, HSN, international trade policy, Kate Spade, knits, leather, Levi’s and Westgate Resorts, Macy’s, marketing techniques, Perry Ellis, resort and swimwear, Royal Caribbean, sourcing tips, sustainability, synthetic and blends, VESTEX Guatemala, Wool and Woolens Export Promotion Council (WWEPC), Worldwide Responsible Accredited Production (WRAP), yarns, Zara, Zumba
Following the enormous success of its inaugural show this past spring, Apparel Textile Sourcing Miami (ATSM) – the largest apparel and textile sourcing show in the Southern U.S. and Latin America – has announced its return to Miami in 2019, double in size and bringing thousands of out-of-state and international visitors to the Magic City.