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Afghan cashmere a strong potential for growth

Related Keywords: Afghan cashmere, Afghan made, Afghanistan Business Innovation Fund, Belgian investor Traitex, British company Cashmere Fibres International, cashmere action plan, cashmere goat herders, Cashmere not wool but hair, chinese market, hand knitted garment, jiont venture, luxury product, potential as major producer, spinning company

Afghan farmers not long ago collected the thick winter undercoat their goats shed every spring and threw it on the fire to heat their homes and cook their food have learned that the super-soft fluff that comes off in clumps as the weather warms up, once cleaned, refined and spun into yarn is cashmere — a luxury product that finds customers as far away as the United States, Britain and Europe.

Active yarn range on display at Performance Days Munich by Safil

Related Keywords: display, enhanced performance, exclusive blends, fibre for jersey, flat and seamless knitting, new Activeyarn range, of wool, outdoor apparel, Performance Days Munich, produce fabric, Safil, spinning company, traditional technology, versatile yarn, X-Compact

At the Performance Days Munich to be held on 4-5th November, Safil a Biella, Italy based worsted spinning company to display its new Activeyarn range for outdoor apparel, which features the company’s own exclusive blends.

The active yarn range includes innovative blends of wool and technical fibres for jersey, flat and seamless knitting, to produce fabrics with enhanced performance in terms of moisture wicking, body temperature regulation, breathability and UV protection.

Egyptian government raises cotton subsidy to encourage domestic industries and farmers

Related Keywords: cotton, Economy, Egypt, farmer, SMEs, spinning company, Subsidies, Textile Industry

Egypt's economic ministers takes a move to encourage domestic industries to purchase Egyptian cotton as well as support local farmers by giving approval to raise the subsidy for spinning companies (Private and state-run) to purchase abundant Egyptian cotton to become LE350 per quintal instead of LE200 ahead of harvest season in September. This was announced the ministry of, industry, trade and Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in a statement on Tuesday.

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