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ITF forms consortium purchase quality cotton to help spinning sector

Related Keywords: apex body of textile mills in the region, consortium required eleven lakh bales per year, formed a consortium, ginners of Maharashtra and Telangana, Indian Texpreneurs Federation, low level contamination, major factor in spinning mills, purchase quality cotton, raw material cost, total members of thirty five spinning mills, trial basis, zero trash

Indian Texpreneurs Federation, an apex body of textile mills in the region alongwith its total members of 35 spinning mills have formed a consortium on a trial basis to purchase quality cotton from ginners of Maharashtra and Telangana with zero trash and low level contamination.

ITF Convenor Prabhu Dhamodharan said that even one percent savings by way of good quality, better pricing, timely purchase will help spinning sector reduce its cost of manufacturing. The consortium, which required 11 lakh bales per year, has purchased two lakh bales this year.

Mitsubishi Chemical to sell off its Chinese and Indian PTA operations

Related Keywords: amid profitability concerns, anti-dumping duty raised, Chinese manufacturers increasing output, Indian operations, Mitsubishi Chemical Holdings, oversupply, persistent glut of the acid, plans to sell off its Chinese, primary raw material, PTA, raw material cost, Terephthalic acid, used to manufacture various polyester products

Mitsubishi Chemical Holdings plans to sell off its Chinese and Indian operations of terephthalic acid (PTA), the primary raw material used to manufacture various polyester products, amid profitability concerns in light of a persistent glut of the acid.

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