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Buying activity at cotton market seen improving

Related Keywords: Active buying improves, Cotton market, Karachi Cotton Association, prevailing prices, price of seed cotton, resumed normal covering operations, spinners and mills, spot rates remain unchanged

Active buying by spinners and mills was seen at the cotton market on Tuesday, as they resumed their normal covering operations at the prevailing prices, while, at the Karachi Cotton Association spot rates remain unchanged.

Following were some of the deals that changed hands on the ready counter: 200 bales, Haroonabad at Rs6,950; 200 bales, Shahdadpur, at Rs6,550; 200 bales, Mirpurkhas, at Rs6,575; 465 bales, Vehari, at Rs6,700; 200 bales, Tando Adam, at Rs6,550 and 700 bales, Rahim Yar Khan, at Rs6,550.

Dull trading activity seen at cotton market

Related Keywords: despite strong demand from spinners, Ginners demanded higher prices, ginners reluctant to dispose of stocks, influenced by soaring world cotton prices, KCA, prevailing prices, spot rates remained unchanged, Trading activity remained dull at cotton market

Trading activity remained dull at cotton market on Tuesday as ginners were reluctant to dispose of their stocks at prevailing prices, despite strong demand from spinners. Ginners were demanding higher prices influenced by soaring world cotton prices.

However, spinners were unwilling to pay high prices to avoid compromising their competitive edge. The shortage of quality cotton and limited stocks of unsold cotton with ginners also impacted trading.

The Karachi Cotton Association (KCA) spot rates remained unchanged.

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