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World cotton consumption to touch 24.5mn tons. production to stand at 25.5mn tons in 2014-15

Related Keywords: cotton price, International cotton advisory committee, Polyester price, production, Worl cotton consumption

World cotton consumption is projected to upsurge by five percent to touch 24.5 million tons, while cotton production to stand at 25.5 million tons in 2014-15, down from 26.1 million tons in 2013-14, according by International Cotton Advisory Committee (ICAC) as cotton and polyester prices congregate.

PTA, MEG prices surge as producer's maneuver production

Related Keywords: ethylene price, MEG price, paraxylene price, Polyester price, PTA price, yarnsandfiber, YNFX

Asian purified terephthalic acid and mono ethylene glycol prices, both raw materials for making polyester, have started roaring their heads once again after hovering below US$950 a ton mark since late March. This time, while the market is yet to see buoyancy, producers’ move to cut operating rate to support prices have come to play.

Polyester chain prices seen crashing down rapidly last week

Related Keywords: ethylene price, MEG price, mono ethylene glycol price, paraxylene price, polyester filament price, Polyester price, polyester staple price, PTA price, purified terephthalic acid price, spun polyester price

As bearish sentiments continue to cast dark covering over the entire chemical fiber industry, prices of most varieties are hitting 11-year low. Producers are caught in great losses and the downtrend is predicted to extend for some more time. For immediate relief, manufacturers may successively start cutting production or plan turnarounds forcing supply tightness to support prices.

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