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Uzbekistan, S Korea to start textile techno park in Sept

Related Keywords: conduction of joint research works, development of alternative energy, dyeing, economic cooperation, fabric design, finishing production, First Uzbek-Korean meeting, introduction of brand new South Korean innovations, plan to launch a modern textile techno park, sphere of material science, Tashkent in September, Uzbekistan and South Korea

The head of the State Investment Committee of the Republic, Azim Ahmedkhadzhayev announced it at the first Uzbek-Korean meeting on economic cooperation issues on February 13 announced that Uzbekistan and South Korea plan to launch a modern textile techno park in Tashkent in September.

The new facility will be created on the territory of the Tashkent Institute of Textile and Light Industry and the project is financed through grant funds provided within official development assistance program of the Korean government.

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