Related Keywords: approved incentives, create and save jobs, CTCP, Department of Trade and Industry of South Africa, DTI, help boost the clothing and textile sector, opportunities to keep it sustainable, PIP, through the Production Incentives Programme, within the Clothing and Textiles Competitiveness Programme
The Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) of South Africa, to help boost the clothing and textile sector through the Production Incentives Programme (PIP) within the Clothing and Textiles Competitiveness Programme (CTCP), has approved R4.9 billion in incentives, with more thanR3.1 billion disbursed in the last financial year to create and save jobs in the sector, said Trade and Industry Minister Rob Davies.
Throughout the sector, a number of companies that qualified and drew from both programmes were able to save 81 252 jobs, while an additional 9 672 jobs were created.