Related Keywords: Cooptex, interactive session on Vintage Kancheevarams, Kancheepurams silk sari, more than five decades old saris, Mupaggam, Muthukattam, new avatar, online forum W, Paayadi, Tamilnadu Handloom Weavers' Co-operative Society Ltd., textile enthusiasts discussed, Thuttripoo, Vaira oosi, Women Weave World
Tamilnadu Handloom Weavers' Co-operative Society Ltd., (Co-optex) organized an interactive session on ‘Vintage Kancheevarams’ on Saturday, where textile enthusiasts from the city came together and discussed saris that were more than five decades old and the Kancheepurams silk sari’s new avatar.
The highlight of an exhibition organized as a part of the ‘Vintage Kanjeevarams’ interaction were silk saris developed specially by Cooptex in the colours and designs popularised by the legendary singer M.S. Subbulakshmi on the occasion of her birth centenary celebrations.