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Maha govt mull over allowing sick co-op textile mills to sell land, recover losses

Related Keywords: Chandrakant Dada Patil, Maharashtra government, permission to sell excess land in possession, recover losses, revive textile mills, sick cooperative textile mills, Textile Federation, Textile Minister

To recover losses and revive sick cooperative textile mills in the Maharashtra state, a major step being considered under the comprehensive plan of cooperative structure is whether to allow sick textile mills to sell of excess land in their possession, said textile minister Chandrakant Dada Patil.

The government's share in their capital ranges from 80% to 45%. Most of them are spinning mills. Each unit has loss in tune of Rs20-40 crore.

Maharashtra to set up special textile park to create eco friendly textile

Related Keywords: Chandrakant Patil, Consortium of Green Fashion, create eco friendly textile, Fashion designing students, Green Fashion, Maharashtra government, Nirmala Niketan College of Home Science, School of Fashion Technology, special textile park, Textile Minister

Consortium of Green Fashion, a unique programme was organised jointly by School of Fashion Technology and Nirmala Niketan College of Home Science on 9th February at Birla Auditorium, Churchgate, Mumbai. Chandrakant (Dada) Patil, Textile Minister, speaking at an industry event, announced that Maharashtra government is planning to set up a special textile park to create eco-friendly textile and lend special assistance for establishing such industries.

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