Related Keywords: banyan woven from exquisite Assam silk, Curator of Chepstow Museum, held at Chepstow Museum, known as banyan, meant for men, organized by Anne Rainsbury, partnership with the British Museum, piece of apparel from seventeenth century Assam, piece on display appears to be part of a gown, United Kingdom, Vrindavani Vastra exhibition
A Vrindavani Vastra exhibition will be held at Chepstow Museum, United Kingdom in partnership with the British Museum organized by Anne Rainsbury, Curator of Chepstow Museum, where a piece of apparel from 17th century Assam will be featured is this exhibition. The piece on display appears to be part of a gown meant for men known as 'banyan'. With intricate details, the banyan is woven from exquisite Assam silk found only within the state.