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Indian nonwovens industry to achieve phenomenal growth by 2016

Related Keywords: America Proctor & Gamble, Asian nonwoven market, GNL, Indian nonwoven market, industrial textile, International nonwoven fabric association Asia branch, new model nonwoven, nonwoven production, Percot Meridian, specialty textile material

Indian nonwoven market expected to account 8% share in the Asian nonwoven market by 2016, according to the International Nonwoven Fabric Association Asia branch, who believes that the region is influenced by a hot development trend.

In the past three years, the India nonwovens market is said to have achieved significant growth. At present, the nonwovens production in India is about 125,000 tons – 140,000 tons as per the organisation although there is no market research, but through the estimations, nonwovens production in India will have a greater range of increase.

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