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Egypt government offers 1m sqm land for textile development

Related Keywords: allotted to textile and clothing manufacture, development of the industrial areas, Egypt government, increase value of textile and clothing exports, minister of Trade and Industry, policy of developing ten industrial areas, second largest industry in Egypt, Tarek Kabil

The Egypt Government’s policy of developing 10 industrial areas allotted to textile and clothing manufacture gets an impetus by the announcement made by the minister of Trade and Industry, Tarek Kabil.

According to the announcement,the Ministry of Trade and Industry will provide 1m sqm of land for textile and clothing industries in Badr City in December as part of the government’s plan.The development of the industrial areas will take place within a time period of 5 years.

Egypt cancels decision to ban cotton import

Related Keywords: avoid damaging domestic industry, cancelled decision to ban cotton import, declining for three decades, Egypt government, Egyptian cotton production, fabrics like polyester, from abroad, lower-quality fiber from Asia, protect Egyptian cotton farmers, textile makers shift to cheaper, to allow cotton import this year

Egypt’s government to allow cotton imports this year, revoking its last week’s decision to ban cotton imports from abroad to protect Egyptian cotton farmers and avoid damaging the domestic industry on Wednesday.

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