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Gelvenor takes home the gold for textile innovation

Related Keywords: advanced textiles, African Advanced Manufacturing and Composites show, composite fabrics, designed into the fabrics at a fibre level, Gelvenor, innovative fabrics, manufacturing industry, multi-layered fabric, textile design and development

Gelvenor recently attended the African Advanced Manufacturing and Composites show in Port Elizabeth on the 7th – 9th November, 2018, along with 300 other delegates. The expo saw many high-profile players in the manufacturing industry gather to share ideas, network with peers and learn about new trends, advances and opportunities in the African manufacturing environment.

AMI protests against Chinese textile subsidies

Related Keywords: amorphous silica fabric, Auburn Manufacturing, China, composite fabrics, countervailing duties, curtains and pads, filed petition, imposition of antidumping, Inc., industrial textile, industry leader in manufacture of high performance coated textiles, protect textile workers, unfair practices, viable supplier to Navy, welding blankets

Auburn Manufacturing, Inc. (AMI) based in South Central Maine, an industry leader in the manufacture of high performance coated textiles and composite fabrics for extreme temperature applications also manufactures end-use products including welding blankets, curtains and pads has filed a petition with the U.S. Department of Commerce and the U.S. International Trade Commission requesting imposition of antidumping and countervailing duties on certain amorphous silica fabric, an industrial textile, from the People’s Republic of China.

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