Related Keywords: achieve zero liquid discharge, Central Salt and Marine Chemicals Research Institute, CETP, CSIR CSMCRI, environmentally sustainable, helped textile processing units of Tirupur, making Tirupur textile dyeing units, Scientists of Gujarat based, set up the States first common effluent treatment plant, textile valley of India
Scientists of Gujarat-based Central Salt and Marine Chemicals Research Institute (CSIR-CSMCRI) have helped textile processing units of Tirupur, India’s textile valley set up the State’s first common effluent treatment plant (CETP) in Chinnakarai making Tirupur textile dyeing units environmentally sustainable and achieve zero liquid discharge.
CETP will separate sodium chloride and sodium sulphate from solid residue. Over the years, the solid residue from the textile units has piled up to the extent of 6,000 tons and is going to landfills posing a major environmental hazard.