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Gujarat aided CETP to help Tirupur textile units become eco friendly

Related Keywords: achieve zero liquid discharge, Central Salt and Marine Chemicals Research Institute, CETP, CSIR CSMCRI, environmentally sustainable, helped textile processing units of Tirupur, making Tirupur textile dyeing units, Scientists of Gujarat based, set up the States first common effluent treatment plant, textile valley of India

Scientists of Gujarat-based Central Salt and Marine Chemicals Research Institute (CSIR-CSMCRI) have helped textile processing units of Tirupur, India’s textile valley set up the State’s first common effluent treatment plant (CETP) in Chinnakarai making Tirupur textile dyeing units environmentally sustainable and achieve zero liquid discharge.

CETP will separate sodium chloride and sodium sulphate from solid residue. Over the years, the solid residue from the textile units has piled up to the extent of 6,000 tons and is going to landfills posing a major environmental hazard.

NGT directs reopening of textile units in Rajasthan

Related Keywords: allowed conditional reopening of textile units, any direction passed by tribunal, CETP, chart out surveillance mechanism, engaged in dyeing and printing of cloth, last eight months for flouting pollution norms, National Green Tribunal, NGT, Pali district of Rajasthan, punitive measures, Task force, to be complied with, units had been shut

The National Green Tribunal (NGT) has allowed the conditional reopening of 578 textile units engaged in dyeing and printing of cloth in Pali district of Rajasthan , with an assurance that any direction passed by the tribunal has to be complied with. These units had been shut for the last eight months for flouting pollution norms.

The Jodhpur bench of the tribunal, comprising Justice Jawad Rahim and member B S Sajwan, permitted the reopening of these industries.

Industrial units without PETPs to shut down after May 22 deadline in Surat

Related Keywords: applicable to textile processing and chemical units, CETP, effluents have to be treated at PETPs, GPCB, in and around Surat, PETP, Primary effluent treatment plant, sent for secondary treatment, shut down after deadline, units fail to comply with order

The Primary effluent treatment plant (PETP) is applicable to textile processing and chemical units in and around Surat. The effluents have to be treated at PETPs at the unit and then sent for secondary treatment at the Common Effluent Treatment Plant (CETP). If the units fail to comply with the order, they will be shut down after May 22 deadline.

Common effluent treatment plant being planned in Erode

Related Keywords: Association of all textile processes, bleaching units, CETP, dyeing, Environment and Pollution Control, Erode, fabric printing, units in Erode, zero liquid disharge formula

There are at least 800 dyeing, bleaching and fabric printing units in Erode, Komarapalayam and Pallipalayam areas according to Association of All Textile Processes, Erode and Namakkal districts. The state government is planning to explore the possibility of replicating the zero liquid discharge formula and Common Effluent Treatment Plant (CETP) for the dyeing and bleaching units functioning in Erode, an attempt to prevent river Cauvery going the Noyyal way.

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