In Qianqing, PC (65/35) 32s yarn prices surged US cents 12 a kg in the last week of July while 45s PC combed yarn prices rose US cents 23 a kg on the week. 32s PV (65/35) were up US cents 8 a kg during the week. In China, blended yarn markets were supported by surge in cotton, polyester and viscose fibre prices over the past few weeks. Both PC and PV yarns were costlier by at least US cents 12-23 a kg on the week. Cotton and VSF prices have increased further that week and will reflect in yarn prices soon.
With cotton prices surging in Pakistan, PC and PV yarns have also therefore been raised, although at a lesser pace than cotton yarns and only gaining 1-2% in a week. 20s PC (52/48) carded yarn prices were again up PakRs2 per pound on the Faisalabad market while 30s was also up during the week. PV 30s were up PakRe1 per pound on the week.
In India, PC and PV yarn prices were relatively stable indicating moderation in demand, both in export and domestic markets.
Courtesy: Weekly PriceWatch Report