In Qianqing, PC (65/35) 32s and 45s PC combed yarn prices were both down US cents 2 a kg due to weak Yuan in the fourth week of March.
Blended yarn prices stabilized in China, in line with a similar trend in fibre prices. PSF prices have slightly declined in the week while cotton prices continued dropping with the benchmark indicator falling 2% over the week. Viscose was progressing supporting PV markets.
In Pakistan, 24 PC (52/48) carded yarn further gained PakRe1 per pound (up US cents 2 a kg) on the Faisalabad market while 30s also gained PakRe1 per pound (up US cents 2 a kg).
PC yarn prices in Pakistan gained further on rise of polyester prices while cotton remained expensive. Operating rates recovered at weaving plants, with PC yarn prices increasing. Larger sales were reported for PC and fine count yarns on the Faisalabad and Karachi yarn markets in the week, although prices have been raised.
In India, the recent hike in PSF prices supported PV and PC yarn prices to rise further. 30s (65/35) PV warp yarn prices were up US cents 3 a kg (due to strong INR) in Indore market. In Ludhiana, PC 30s (52/48) prices increased INR3 a kg (up US cents 7) on the week.
Courtesy: Weekly PriceWatch Report