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TCP likely to issue fresh tender once again to offload balance cotton

Related Keywords: conduced four tenders, cotton bales, during last season, facing difficulties, offloading cotton procured, stabilise prices in domestic market, state run grain trader, to support farmers, Trading Corporation of Pakistan

Trading Corporation of Pakistan (TCP) the state-run grain trader is facing difficulties in offloading cotton, procured on the federal government directives during the last season to support the farmers and stabilise its prices in the domestic market. TCP has conducted four tenders for the sale of 95,400 cotton bales (Crop Year 2014-15), of which, two tenders have been scrapped by the state-run grain trader as bids were lower than the reserve price. Some 10,800 cotton bales have been sold through remaining two tenders.

TCP likely to issue multiple tender for sales of remaining 88,600 cotton bales

Related Keywords: issue multiple cotton tenders, Karachi Cotton Association, lower participation in first tender, procured from domestic market, sale of remaining quantity of cotton bales, to support farmers, Trading Corporation of Pakistan

Trading Corporation of Pakistan (TCP) to issue multiple cotton tenders for the sale of the remaining quality of 88,600 cotton bales procured from domestic market, due to the lower participation in the first tender although the state-run grain trader has successfully sold some 6,800 cotton bales.

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