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Acrylonitrile price declines despite surging feedstock cost

Asian ACN prices declined US$70 a ton CFR Far East Asia in the second week of December while Southeast Asia fell US$75 a ton on the week. In China, offers for offshore cargoes were down US$70-80 a ton on the week.

Acrylonitrile prices caved in although feedstock propylene and crude oil values were up that week. Downstream demand was stable as acrylic fibre prices held stable, and suppliers ran at 75% capacity. ABS sentiment held firm on cost support, with domestic producers generally offering at stable rate. Acrylamide prices remained steady.

Related Keywords: acrylic prices, Acrylonitrile price in Asia, Acrylonitrile price in Europe, Acrylonitrile price in US, ASF prices, crude oil prices, propylene prices

ASF prices seems to be unchanged despite falling input cost

In the last week of July, Asian propylene prices inched up amid thin discussions talks ahead of new plant startups. Demand was also heard to be weak in China amid ample inventories. In US, chemical grade propylene was dearer while refinery grade dipped to a fresh 75-month low.

Related Keywords: acrylic staple fibre, acrylonitrile prices, ASF prices, propylene prices, US acrylonitrile export

Chemical fibres feedstock become costlier on demand supply imbalance

Related Keywords: asian petrochemical price, benzene prices, chemical fiber, ethylene prices, Europe petrochemical price, manmade fibre, paraxylene prices, propylene prices, US petrochemical price

Crude oil prices have been firming up in recent weeks but the general view is that they will remain relatively low for some time yet. While supply will remain, the demand side may see nothing change much. USA still gives mixed signals, even with the benefits of cheaper gasoline while in Europe there are many problems, especially in terms of low consumer demand in the north and low employment in the south.

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