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BSTIM and Modtissimo textile fairs to promote Iberian textile industry

Related Keywords: Catalan fashion cluster, exchange of spaces, fashion industry, Fira d Igualada, Iberian Peninsula, manufacturing in the Asian countries, MODACC, Modtissimo and BSTIM, Portuguese Textile Association, promote textile fairs, signed a collaboration agreement, stimulate commercial development, textile fairs aim to attract the production of big brands

MODACC, Fira d’ Igualada and the Catalan fashion cluster to promote textile fairs, Modtissimo and BSTIM and stimulate commercial development of the fashion industry on the Iberian Peninsula have signed a collaboration agreement with the Portuguese Textile Association (ATP).

The two textile fairs aim to attract the production of big brands that have been manufacturing in the Asian countries and offer them the possibility of manufacturing “in proximity”.

Portugal fashion industry escalates

Related Keywords: abundance of textile, growing in Libson and Porto, high quality products and lower costs, innovative techniques, largest textile exporters in Europe, Portugal fashion scene, Portuguese Textile Association, producers, second largest city, textile manufacturers Riopele

Portugal fashion scene is growing in both its capital, Lisbon, and in Porto, Portugal’s second-largest city. Portugal has an abundance of textile and leather factories and producers that are among the leaders in the countries exports, thanks to its high quality products and lower costs

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