Related Keywords: bid to revive Bulawayo, Bulawayo companies will process one lakh tons of cotton, declared it a SEZ, drive to improve textile industry, harvest a lot of cotton this season, Minister Chiratidzo Mabuwa, national cotton to clothing Policy was launched, once industrial hub of the nation, Textile and Clothing, value chain, Zimbabwean government
Zimbabwean government in a bid to revive Bulawayo, once industrial hub of the nation has declared it a SEZ for textile and clothing also the national cotton to clothing Policy was launched in Bulawayo to emphasize the drive to improve the textile industry, said Industry and Commerce Deputy Minister Chiratidzo Mabuwa.
Looking at that, they assume that they will harvest a lot of cotton this season. Hon Made will probably give them the tonnage but they are expecting about 100 000 metric tonnes of cotton.