Related Keywords: aim to procure two lakh bales this season, appointed authorised agents, buying cotton, buying cotton between October and January, directly from cotton ginners, field level coordination, four lakh bales next season, Indian Texpreneurs' Federation, ITF, mainly in Telangana and Maharashtra, member mills, worked out a partnership model
Indian Texpreneurs' Federation (ITF), which have worked out a partnership model for buying cotton directly from cotton ginners, mainly in Telangana and Maharashtra for its member mills. During the 2016-17 season (October-September) they aim to procure 2 lakh bales (a bale is 170 kgs) and 4 lakh bales for the 2017-18 season.
As cotton production is projected to cross the 1 crore bales mark, a more than 10% increase, in Maharashtra for the 2017-18 season while output is forecast to jump 20% to around 90 lakh bales in Telangana.