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Ivorian cotton farmers get raise in mandated price

Related Keywords: bump up production, Cotton Ginners Association, cotton harvest, cotton season, depends heavily on agricultural sector, expansion in number of farmers, increase production, increased mandated cotton price, Ivorian cotton farmers, Ivory Coast, largely market-based, major cotton exporters

The Ivory Coast is largely market-based and depends heavily on the agricultural sector. In a bid to increase production in the wake of a unsatisfactory cotton harvest, the Ivory Coast government increased mandated cotton price for farmers by six percent for 2016-17 seasons hoping that this increase will permit an expansion in the number of farmers and bump up production, a government spokesman said.

Ivory Coast, before a 2002-2003 civil war which split the country in two and halved production was one of the region's major cotton exporters, with an annual output of about 400,000 tonnes.

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